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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. I use F5/F9 a lot for airplane touchdown, because I'm a n00b and I take 20-30 landing attempts before I can actually land. On my circumnavigation attempt I was moving WAYYY too fast for touchdown and I had to pull up and reattempt.
  2. Having recently completed a circumnavigation of Kerbin by air, I'm deciding to try this out on Minmus. The plan is to send a rover, then a crew that lands and transfers to the rover. The rover completes the circumnavigation, then the crew transfers back to the lander. The lander goes back to Kerbin, leaving the rover and flag there. EDIT 1: I'm now home, let's try this out! EDIT 2: Hooray, the rover is on Minmus! Let's send the crew over! EDIT 3: I'm off! Wish me luck!
  3. How do you add a signature to your posts? I just got a circumnavigator badge and now I want to put it in my signature.
  4. Yay! Thank you! So now I just take the badge from the first page, and put it into my signature? Because no-one's PM'd me with the badge.
  5. Hooray! I finally got my plane around Kerbin! Total flight time: 4:40:00 Crew: 4 Circumnavigations: 1 By the way, if you think that looks familiar, then it is - it's actually a beefed-up stock Mallard. On the runway. Liftoff! On the other side On the other side- map screen (I have a collection of asteroids at the KSC) F3 screenshot- I'm really sorry! I EVA'd one of my kerbals, and now it says this! Please don't make me do this again! I swear I've never been above 10 km! (Please, I can post WAY more screenshots if you need proof.)
  6. Sigh. Probably not going to do this with this plane... Will try another. I'm very bad at designing spaceplanes...
  7. Currently circumnavigating - I am halfway across the planet and I have 1/4 tank of fuel left... But I tell myself: "If a shuttle pilot can fly a brick I can definitely do this."
  8. Thanks! I'm trying it out tomorrow, when I get the time. This is going to involve lots and lots of timewarp...
  9. Hi guys! I'm new here, and I have a question about badges and stuff. When I complete a challenge, I'm supposed to get a badge. Does it appear automatically in the bottom part, or do you guys give me the image file which I will have to insert myself? Anyways I'm trying this out. Wish me luck!
  10. I’m sticking around alright. This place is fun.
  11. The bunker is still there, but it’s only in the lvl 1 launchpad. Once you upgrade it’s gone.
  12. 3031: You see the odd shop saying "SRBs for sale". Jeb walks in and gets a bunch for cheap.
  13. Ready for more of my screenshots? Here's a similar one, this time in the Duna system. By the way I finally managed to get my kerbals to Duna! :-) (Ike is in the background but is harder to spot since it has no atmosphere.) It's basically the same Command Module, but this one has an extra fuel tank clipped into the first one. I'm gonna leave the Duna system once we get a window. I still have about 2000 m/s of ∆v in that thing. Why is the thing launching from the Runway?
  14. Do you still remember the bunker in the Lvl. 1 launchpad? Do you want to bring it back? I sure do. Will someone make a mod where the Lvl. 1 bunker is right outside of the launchpad? I'd imagine it using Kerbal Konstructs. (I don't know computer programming. :-P) Best of luck to whoever tries to do this!
  15. I'm LOVING it, to say the least! I'm on Chapter 74, Page 120.
  16. Yeah, I'm new to the saga and I was reading through the long, long thread.
  17. I saw Bruce Melnick, on STS-41 and STS-49; and Edward Gibson, on the Skylab-4 mission while I was here in the (real) KSC.
  18. their banana tree. (See where I'm going with this?)
  19. Granted, but it's not funny. I wish I could get to Jool and back. (I can guess what the next guy will say)
  20. I haven't actually launched a manned mission to Duna yet. EDIT 1: Now I have.
  21. Wait... how? It's easy! Maybe I just learn quickly.
  22. I actually like the stock textures more than EVE. It’s more... kerbal.
  23. No one's serving me my LV-N?
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