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  1. i dreamt a lot smaller than you lol but here is my ISRU ship and 2x attached mining landers
  2. The docking ports seem ok now, my station was once again rigid and not wobbling like a wet noodle on the verge of a kraken induced RUD
  3. Can you elaborate on the changes to the engines, and post details of how the ground anchor works, etc
  4. Would love if all the classic parts were included in the new game including making history stuff. Would be great to be able to recreate all the stuff from the original game in the new engine
  5. These are incredible pieces of work. Really appreciate all the attention to detail on each craft. All your research has really paid off and major props for your explanations giving the summary and highlights of each mission. Seriously fantastic, words don't do it all justice. This game takes one's interest in space to a whole different level where it's tangible to be able to launch and move around the missions you only read about
  6. Logo and craft look awesome, nice work!
  7. Yeah I just reinstalled the newest everything and it's definitely way smoother, didn't check fps but was really noticeable. Thank you!
  8. It really is! I've been busting my head on how to do a proper Gemini for years. This finally cracked the case, I'm super happy how it came out. I might expand the product line with an agena stage and variant load outs based on the missions like do a radar evaluation pod etc.
  9. Awesome video I got a little misty not gonna lie.
  10. Thank you! It was done by editing the fairing in the craft file, someone on Reddit showed me that trick.
  11. Hey thanks for that testing, I wasn't liking the idea some of my cool Apollo recreations are a bit wonky from kerbalx . I was trying to just remove it for now. I'll give that a shot.
  12. What used to happen though is if you put a decoupler on it the shroud would remove or disappear and now it's not in the latest version
  13. I have a few different craft using the MEM and previously the shroud would disappear on staging but now it's staying in place. Can you fix it back how it was?
  14. https://kerbalx.com/schwank/Gemini-Spacecraft--Titan-II-GLV
  15. 1. Repair satellite missions.. tell us what level of engineer is required in the mission, I got all the way to the satellite only to find I need a level one engineer and had to go home. 2. "Bare" variants of the swivel and reliant engines, this would really help some designs. 3. "Bare" variant of the large place anywhere RCS 4. "Bare" no truss versions of Poodle
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