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  1. Sorry for the late reply! Here's the link to my github repo: https://github.com/CodapopKSP/KSPTechTreeRandomizer Working with other tech trees would be great. Unfortunately, you'll see why I didn't do that lol. If you know of a better way feel free to expand upon it.
  2. It does! I just tested it with a variety of part mods. The tool reorganizes where the nodes on the tech tree are drawn and also reorganizes their connections. But the nodes themselves should be unchanged.
  3. I've created a web tool that randomizes the KSP 1 tech tree. It only works on the stock tech tree for now, but it could be a cool challenge for a speedrun or even casual play. Check it out here: https://randomizer.untitledspacecraft.com/
  4. This looks great! Really looking forward to seeing if anyone can come up with a good config!
  5. Are you using 1.12? Does the outdated mod work with the latest version of KSP?
  6. How did you manage to install that mod? It seems very outdated. I'm also getting the EC bug and it's making TACLS unplayable.
  7. Thank you so much! EDIT: Unfortunately even though the slider has returned, it doesn't appear to affect the game.
  8. Would you be able to send me your GameData folders for the patched mod? Or would you be able to walk me through compiling your fork into the mod folders?
  9. It turns out the bug is due to incompatibility with KSP 1.12.2, but 1.12.3 is fine. However, I've encountered another bug where action groups take two presses to turn off the first time they are assigned. Either pressing the keyboard or clicking the box result in the same issue. After that they function properly. Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/146nzd8bRZGG7ocI8fytqEOsocRBXGjFO/view?usp=sharing
  10. I'm getting a bug that seems to prevent me from using normal action groups when I have AGExt installed. Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/146nzd8bRZGG7ocI8fytqEOsocRBXGjFO/view?usp=sharing I build a craft, add the engine to AG 1, put it on the pad, and try pressing 1 on my keyboard, but nothing happens. The action group works when AGExt is not installed. KSP version 1.12.2, AGExt, latest (
  11. I'm so happy to see this mod finally get the attention it deserves! It's been a pleasure working with you all.
  12. The stage-specific fuel gauges don't appear to be functioning properly. When I launch a rocket that has SRBs and LF/OX engines on the same beginning stage, it seems to only display the solid fuel until those boosters are staged out. I understand that the mod hasn't been updated, but I figured I'd let you know.
  13. The mod works with them, but the "Science Colors" config pack that is included in the download is not configured for non-stock tech trees. Using the config editing method I outlined above, you would have to edit the config files and make it compatible with CTT or others.
  14. With the current code, I'm actually not sure, and it depends heavily on what the name of the science is when it is awarded. I believe it always shows up in the debug log (alt + F12) so you can try completing a contract and see what gets logged. Then you can pick some keywords from that log to use for the science types. As for awarding directly, it would require a lot of rewriting. Something to keep in mind, it is possible to be relatively sneaky with your ID names, such as "high" would result in all "space high over X" being that color, but also every "highlands" science would also qualify. To get around this you can use "high " with a space after it, and it will exclude "highlands". Sorry I can't be much more of a help, but it's difficult to know exactly what you're trying to do. Perhaps one of these days I'll look deeper into contract mechanics if I want to go for a v1.0 release.
  15. Unfortunately the ID strings have to be exact, as the mod isn't "smart" enough to parse the words from your ID, so "EVA report from space high above Duna" doesn't match "space high Duna" because "above" is in the middle. You could potentially add 'above' (or 'over') to each one and that might fix it, but if not then you'll need to grab the exact text of the science experiment from either the game or the wiki.
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