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Everything posted by jinnantonix

  1. An SSTO like dream chaser would typically only be able to handle atmospheric re-entry from orbital speeds. For this architecture, the Duna return craft must be able to directly enter the atmosphere- and survive aerobraking. It would be unrealistic to do that with anything other than re-entry pod with stock heat shield. I have already rejected an entry that had an unrealistic architecture, so I need to be fair. Restock is allowed since it does not affect gameplay or part balance
  2. Phase 5: Grannus Video: https://youtu.be/yreUIvN41oA MISSION 1: Grannus A Y5 D365 01:50:21 - Y18 D198 00:45:53 First probe to enter Grannus' SOI; Completed Y18 D198 00:45:53 MISSION 2: Grannus B. Y5 D366 01:50:19 - Y54 D412 04:54:00 First probe landing on any body in Grannus’ SOI- can be a planet or a moon; Completed Y26 D421 04:23:34 First to land probes on ten different bodies in Grannus' SOI; Completed Y54 D412 04:54:00 MISSION 3: Grannus C. Y5 D367 02:31:53 - Y41 D355 01:31:34 First crewed mission to orbit Grannus or any child body (planet, moon, moon of a moon...); Completed Y41 D208 04:34:18 First crewed landing on any body in Grannus’ SOI- planet or moon; Completed Y41 D355 01:31:34 MISSION 4: Grannus D. Y5 D367 02:42:05 - Y54 D413 02:07:06 First crewed mission to enter Grannus' SOI; Completed Y27 D45 01:17:16 First to land crew on five different planets or moons in Grannus’ SOI. Completed Y54 D413 02:07:06
  3. I have nearly finished, just compiling the video .... Done! Just as the sun crosses the international date line.
  4. @Kerbal Productions some of the other entries are showing a text readout showing asteroid deflections. How do I access that?
  5. Well it''s 20th already here in Sydney Australia, but still ~6pm on the 19th in American Samoa, so I reckon I still have time. Fastest ever challenge response is under way.
  6. Oh, I know its not acceptable, never thought otherwise. Just thought I'd share since is on the subject of asteroid deflection. Are entries still being taken? I might have a go at this, but will take a day or three to complete.
  7. I missed this challenge, otherwise I would have definitely entered. I am interested in DART. The pessimist in me says that this mission will show that asteroids are typically not solid rock, but are like powder. So an impacter may not have a huge effect on trajectory. On the other hand, we are learning that asteroids comprise of many hydrogen compounds, that could be mined and used to "push" the asteroid. Here is a video demonstrating that technique. I think DART is a super important mission because it will determine if impacting is a viable technique. Good luck NASA.
  8. I am running KER with KSP 1.12.2 and Galilean Planet Pack. Intermittently KER stops displaying, and the KER tile goes black. Does anybody know how to resolve this?
  9. 200 years for a Grannus transit in the tracking station? Is there a way to increase the maximum time warp speed? Edit: I just fiddled with Better Time Warp, and now getting good results in the tracking station. So all good.
  10. @jimmymcgoochie I have hit a fatal bug. Whenever I time warp I get a message " A producer of ElectricCharge has incoherent behaviour.." and it wont allow me to warp faster than x1000. I loaded Better Time Warp to see if this would fix it, it doesn't. In fact Better Time Warp doesn't seem to work at all, nothing I press increases time warp. Any ideas? I obviously cant get to Grannus without enhanced time warp.
  11. @jimmymcgoochie as a check for the rules here is my strategy for Grannus. Crewed interplanetary ships must have at least six internal seats, have at least three crew and at least one free seat per two crew. Interstellar ships need 10 seats and at least six crew, with one free seat per two crew; landers must have at least two crew and three total seats. Can I have an interplanetary ship that has 12 seats and 6 crew, that after reaching Grannus SOI, splits into two active vessels each with 6 seats and 3 crew? Can I dock two active interstellar ships, dock them together, and then later split them apart into two active vessel again.
  12. Phase 4: To Boldly Go MISSION 1: Deep Space. Y1 D374 01:52:59 - Y1 D392 05:57:05 First crewed vessel to leave Gael’s SOI; Completed Y1 D392 05:57:05 MISSION 2: Thalia 2 Mission Y2 D94 01:52:07 - Y2 D173 01:54:57 First crewed interplanetary orbit; Completed Y2 D252 02:55:18 First crewed interplanetary landing; Completed Y2 D173 01:54:57 MISSION 3: Gratian Mission First to have ten interplanetary probes in orbit around ten different planets and moons beyond Gael’s SOI at the same time; First to land crew on five different bodies outside Gael’s SOI; MISSION 4: Gauss Mission First to have ten interplanetary probes in orbit around ten different planets and moons beyond Gael’s SOI at the same time; Complete the three landings on Icarus, Lili and Tarsiss; <<< Landing on Tarsiss MISSION 5: Niven Mission First to have ten interplanetary probes in orbit around ten different planets and moons beyond Gael’s SOI at the same time; First to land crew on five different bodies outside Gael’s SOI; MISSION 6: Tellumo 2 Mission First to have ten interplanetary probes in orbit around ten different planets and moons beyond Gael’s SOI at the same time; First to land crew on five different bodies outside Gael’s SOI; First to have ten interplanetary probes in orbit around ten different planets and moons (Previously. Thalia, Eta , Icarus, Tellumo, Lili) Niven Gratian Geminus Catellis, Loki Completed Y4 D111 01:32:05 Complete the three landings on Icarus, Lili and Tarsiss; >>> Tarsiss Landing Completed Y4 D112 00:23:34 First to land crew on five different bodies outside Gael’s SOI; Thalia Eta Geminus Lili Niven Completed Y4 D112 03:18:27 ... Onward to Grannus.
  13. @jimmymcgoochie another quick question. I am planning on a crewed landing on Icarus. This will require a LOT of delta-V. My plan is to make a single vessel from docking in Gael orbit a crewed vessel and an uncrewed vessel (nuclear tug). The vessels never detach again, however the craft drops tanks as it progresses. I am happy to initially count the vessel as if it is two vessels (one crewed, one uncrewed). At what point could I consider it a single crewed vessel? eg when all the fuel and tanks in the nuclear tug are dropped? Also does the requirement for internal seats in a crewed vessel apply for craft returning to Gael. Edit: I decided that Icarus was too hard, and went to Tellumo instead. The return craft included the Lander (two internal seats) and the re-entry pod (4 internal seats).
  14. Phase 3: Gaelans in Space Soonest MISSION 1: Gael Orbiter. Y1 D365 03:38:36 - Y1 D365 04:13:52 First crewed orbit of Gael- must complete one full orbit and then return to the surface alive! Completed Y1 D365 04:13:52 MISSION 2: Iota Orbiter/Lander. Y1 D365 04:53:08 - Y1 D367 04:10:05 First crewed orbit of Iota; Completed Y1 D367 03:55:295 First crewed landing (with flag!) on Iota; Completed Y1 D367 04:10:05 MISSION 3: Ceti Orbiter/Lander. Y1 D365 03:49:49 - Y1 D368 03:21:56 First crewed orbit of Ceti; Completed Y1 D368 03:15:15 First crewed landing on Ceti; Completed Y1 D368 03:21:56 MISSION 4: Gael Space Station. Y1 D369 00:28:35 - Y1 D369 03:11:29 First space station around Gael- must have at least six (internal!) seats, launched empty and then complete an orbit with at least two crew aboard to complete this objective; MISSION 5: Iota Space Station. Y1 D369 03:29:46 - Y1 D371 00:52:41 First space station around a moon of Gael- same rules apply as for the Gael space station; MISSION 6: Iota Base Station. Y1 D369 03:59:36 - Y1 D372 04:06:27 First surface base on a moon of Gael- must have at least six internal seats, launched and landed empty then be occupied by at least two crew to complete this objective. At completion of this phase: the two crew of Ceti Lander collected samples from 3 adjacent biomes, ascended to the return craft and three crew safely landed on Gael. the two crew of Iota Base Station collected sample science, and then ascended to the Iota Base station where they remain running science in the space station the 6 crew of the Gael Space station collected science for a short period, then returned safely to Gael in two separate return capsules.
  15. I would be keen, but still working on @jimmymcgoochie's Gaelian Space Race. Will definitely have a look at this when I have finished that project.
  16. Phase 3 rules question: I have completed the landing on Iota, and the crew is in orbit. (Craft no longer active). I send the Iota Space station to Iota orbit. Can I use the crew that is already in orbit around Iota to crew the space station and complete that requirement?
  17. Phase 3 rules question: First space station around Gael- must have at least six (internal!) seats, launched empty and then complete an orbit with at least two crew aboard to complete this objective; Can I do a single launch which includes both a space station (empty) and a return capsule (crewed)? Or do the crew need to launch on a completely separate launch to orbit and rendezvous with the space station?
  18. Phase 2: New Horizons MISSION 1: Icaris Probe 1. Y1 D44 01:54:08 - Y1 D152 05:23:40 First interplanetary flyby of another planet; Completed Y1 D152 05:21:03 First interplanetary orbit; Completed Y1 D152 05:23:40 MISSION 2: Thalia/Eta Probe 1 Y1 D46 03:23:22 - Y1 D205 01:05:04 First interplanetary landing; Completed Y1 D205 00:35:50 First interplanetary rover- must visit three biomes and gather scientific data from each; Completed Y1 D205 01:05:04 MISSION 3: Icarus Probe 2 Y1 D213 02:26:29 - Y1 D338 02:40:28 First landing on Icarus; Completed Y1 D338 02:40:28 MISSION 4: Tellumo and Lili Orbiter/Lander Y1 D211 01:51:17 - Y1 D354 01:52:37 First to put five probes in orbit of five (unique) planets and/or moons (beyond Gael’s SOI) at the same time- this means five different crafts each orbiting a different celestial body, can include craft that completed first interplanetary orbit; Orbiting of Icarus, Thalia, Eta, Tellumo and Lili Completed Completed Y1 D354 01:52:37 Probe landed on Icarus Completed Y1 D338 02:40:28
  19. On Ceti, I drop below 23,000m and the moon disappears. All readouts show it's still there, but I can see only the background star field. As I approach the surface the moon appears, firstly as mist, and then slowly some features come into view as the craft touches the surface.
  20. However if your single active craft reaches orbit of the planet/moon, and THEN it decouples into an orbiter and lander (ie Apollo-style), which according to the rules is a single active craft. Edit: I just noticed you have the caveat that "Apollo-style" is only for crewed missions. So all good, I'll just have to rethink the strategy for Phase 2.
  21. OK, so basically if you send a craft to a planet moon, if you decouple the craft, it becomes two active craft. This contradicts your rule that allows a single craft can split Apollo-style and still be considered one active craft. I think you can have either one rule or the other, but otherwise how do you define "Apollo-style"? Edit: The important rule clarification is this: Once an orbiter is in orbit around its target planet/moon, it is no longer active. So a single craft is in orbit around (say ) Icarus, if it decouples into an orbiter and lander, the orbiter is not active, the lander is active, so it is still a single active craft. Also, once a lander has reached an objective on Lili, Icarus and Tarssis, then it is not an active craft any more. However lander objectives must be in order, so the early lander objective cannot contribute to the later requirement for a Lili/Icarus/Tarssis lander. Please correct me if I have misunderstood.
  22. Hi all, I have struck an annoying bug. The game plays OK for a while, and then suddenly I am no longer able to create a maneuver node. Saving the game and reloading fixes this. But it is annoying because I am trying to play the game in hard mode. Any ideas on how to fix? I am using latest version of everything.
  23. Hi @jimmymcgoochie, another rules question: 1. First interplanetary flyby of another planet; First interplanetary orbit; First interplanetary landing; First interplanetary rover- must visit three biomes and gather scientific data from each; I have two active craft heading each to different planet/moon system. So the below is completed in order: Craft A completes the fly-by, then goes into orbit (but does not claim this as an objective) Craft B completes the orbit objective Craft A completes the landing objective Craft B completed the rover objective. OK? 2. First to put probes in orbit of five planets and/or moons (beyond Gael’s SOI); Is the placing of each probe around a planet/moon considered to be a separate objective? e.g. I have a craft headed for a planet and moon system. My craft will complete the "first orbit" and "first landing" objectives. At the end of the mission there will be probes around both the planet and the moon. Do I need to do anything else to claim "probes in orbit of [two] planets and/or moons"? 3. And one of: First landing on Icarus; First landing on Lili; First landing on Tarsiss. Is each of the above a separate objective eg I have a craft headed for a planet and moon system. My craft will complete the "first orbit" and "first landing" objectives. If the landing is on Icarus can I also claim "First landing on Icarus" ? or is that a third objective, and so I need to send another craft to complete that objective? Also a craft goes to Lili, and claims the "rover" objective. Is "First landing on Lili;" a second separate objective?
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