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Everything posted by jinnantonix

  1. So top speed must be within Kerbin SOI. Is there any constraint on the craft after reaching top speed? For example can the craft fly back out of the Kerbin SOI? Does the craft have to be able to land on Kerbin again?
  2. The beginning of this video shows a recreation of the Atlas V-541 launch vehicle in Real Solar System
  3. @Max von Kerman do you mean historic missions or future missions? If the former, I have done Mars2020 in Real Solar System.
  4. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/03/dragon-xl-nasa-spacex-lunar-gateway-supply-contract/
  5. Thanks. I have been wanting to do this mission in KSP forever. Finally got to do it. Looking forward to KSP2.
  6. Good news, I kept a save of every launch vehicle, so recorded the following costs for each launch number.
  7. Sorry, no. It would take me a long time to gather that information. I will advise if I can.
  8. All large freighter are able to replenish fuel, so each get 4 point each for that. The heaviest payload that goes from surface to orbit and then back to surface for Laythe and Tylo is is shown below. This is shown in the video. The 64 seats have a mass of just over 25 tons. Laythe freighter 10 + 2 (tons) + 4 (replenish)= 16 Tylo freighter 10 + 2 (tons) + 4 (replenish)= 16 The heaviest payload for Vall, Pol and Bop is the supply containers, although they go from orbit to surface, and then unload supplies, so don't have the same mass when they go back to orbit. So I tested transporting one container (75 tons) from surface to orbit and back on Vall (see below configuration), and on Pol and Bop I could transport two containers, 150 tons. So Vall freighter 10 + 7(tons) + 4 (replenish)= 21 Pol freighter 10 + 15 (tons) + 4 (replenish)= 29 Bop freighter 10 + 15 (tons) + 4 (replenish)= 29 Total for the 5 large freighters = 111
  9. The 5 orbital freighters are all capable of transporting this payload between bases on each moon. However since I did not send any additional craft, I don't think I can score this.
  10. Here is my "cool and fun" submission. Craft cost 71,180 funds, but low cost wasn't the agenda, rather I wanted to try to replicate the artificial gravity system and the space craft design used in the video Astronaut: The Last Push. I used a KEKKJ transfer with Tylo assist to Laythe using about 1600 m/s dV (I think I could have done better by 350 m/s with more care) , and then a single Tylo assist direct to Kerbin which only cost about 1000m/s dV from low Laythe orbit. I used heat shields with 200 units of ablator at both Laythe and Kerbin to assist with aerobraking.
  11. Are you considering entering Life On Laythe with a Realism category entry?

    1. Pastapower


      No. I will just be going for a normal entry

    2. jinnantonix


      I think I should tell you that I am contemplating changing the rules to disallow using EVA > 10m/s dV.  and excluding EVA Construction.  

      Edit.  Correction.  I won't be changing the rules.  Just please make sure your resource window is open.

    3. Pastapower


      Ok I will probably do the mission at the weekend:happy: 

  12. bettertimewarp is allowed. There are no extra points for more science.
  13. Here is the first launch tests of my "cool and fun" entry. With spin gravity.
  14. @camacju can you please submit your craft file. I must be missing something in the way I am reconstructing your craft.
  15. @camacju I am absolutely amazed at your entry. Especially the orbital manoeuvres. I have a couple of questions though, since your entry is so amazing and will be so hard to beat, I need to ensure it is 100% OK. 1. The use of the airlock is brilliant. And very Kerbal, I am imagining Jeb floating in the airlock for 20 years. However it is not actually a pressurized seat as stated in the rules. It is so clever though, I will avoid being pedantic, and allow it. 2. I have tested your craft re-entry at both Laythe and Kerbin with modest velocities (<3 km/s) and spinning etc, yet the craft explode every time. What am I missing? Can you please check you have the default setting for re-entry heating of 100%, you may have changed it in a previous game and forgotten to reset it. Or advise your re-entry speeds and altitudes, and I will check again. 3. The EVA and use of jet packs is clever , although I think not really in the spirit or the challenge, it is within the stated rules, so I have to allow it. Can you provide an image showing your kerbal EVA at Laythe is when the craft is outside the atmosphere. EVA in atmosphere is against the stated rules. My testing shows that the craft cannot get to an Ap >50km. Perhaps I have missed something? Edit: The use of the EVA Construction pack is clever. But this is only available in v1.11, and is a big differentiator. I was unaware of this feature when I started this challenge, otherwise I would have excluded it. In order to open up the challenge, I am introducing a new category that is competitive for users with pre v1.11 versions.
  16. @Brikoleur Nice entry, and very much in the spirit of this challenge. I love the Bathysphere it's very Jules Verne. It would certainly have been competitive if recovery was included. In fact I like it so much, I am going to create a leaderboard for fun and cool entries. Congratulations.
  17. Ditto. From Jool orbit to Kerbin re-entry with less than 500 m/S dV. Incredible!
  18. Very clever use of the v1.11 EVA Construction mode. What speed did your capsule hit the Laythe atmosphere? No heat shield? How did you sink the capsule to the sea floor? Also I will need to understand the Laythe launch vehicle, it is very trim. Which engines, and how much fuel, both seem to be clipped out of sight which is potentially against the rules.
  19. @camacju how is the engineer detaching the fuel tanks? Also the parachutes appear to be floating in mid air, is there a reason they can't be adjacent to the capsule?
  20. @camacju and @Brikoleur - EVA is allowed. However the kerbals must be in pressurised seats during interplanetary and atmospheric flight. So no skydiving or EVA chutes.
  21. @Brikoleur Yes, all of your "clips" are legal.
  22. No command chairs are allowed. Blanket rule to keep things simple. The mini sub could be controlled by a probe core.
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