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Everything posted by HyperDraco

  1. How did you do that? I want to know how many hours it took you, even if it took you days. It is so accurate.
  2. Hello there, While building a helicopter (for the first time) with Airplane Plus, I encountered a problem. The turboshaft engines failed to produce any thrust but otherwise worked (ie: they spun and made a noise but their thrust was 0) Please help I use KSP 1.6.1, quite modded (I have an Mi-26 in production, you see)
  3. Hello people Does anyone know any good Weapons mods that adds nuclear warheads that are compatible with KSP 1.6.1? Some that deal real damage. Thanks
  4. Hello all, I have tried to install airplane plus, and failed (not surprising honestly at this point) I copied it into the GameData folder and launched the game and was presented with the Mk3 Cargo cockpit, Helicopter Landing legs and all the engines. Nothing else. All the sounds by all the engines (even those not included in Airplane Plus) were lost. Please Help (I read this up and it says to install it into the Root folder. I have no clue what that is.) Thanks
  5. Hello There, I had designed it as an Air superiority fighter but during tests, noticed it performed well as a Ground attack fighter. However, you are right, I have unintentionally designed a JSF, I will retry to make a supersonic Air Superiority Fighter. PS: Might have taken some inspiration from other types. Sorry
  6. Draconic Meteor Made by Draconic Aerospace. And it can also fly while lacking most of one wing and and an engine (like this) This is an Air Superiority Attack/ Ground Attack Fighter, It has 1 Full sized J-404 Panther and 2 Mini Panthers (personally I prefer to call them J-202s.) It can carry 6 Maverick Laser Guided Missiles or any other ordinance and is equipped 4 x .50 mm Browning Guns, firing in a salvo or at 3000 RPM It comes equipped with the FLIR Targeting Ball Camera . While fully armed (6 x Mavericks and 19200 rounds for the 4 Brownings) In wet mode it has a TWR of 1+, allowing it to climb vertically and gain speed It comes equipped with AI Control, which can be changed to the user's preference.. It can also be used for High Speed/ Altitude Surveillance purposes. (Using Jeb as pilot is strongly advised/suggested, the pilot needs to be able to fly without fear.) Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/HyperDraco/Draconic-Meteor Good Luck (Fight Ruthlessly)
  7. I built an F-15 ripoff That's it. It's pretty good, spent 4 hours on it
  8. Draconic Triumph II The Luxury Long Range Supersonic Transport The Triumph II is the final word in Luxurious Supersonic Transport. With a passenger capacity of 48 it can transport customers across the largest of oceans under 2 hours, all of this, without refueling. The Power Plants are 4 J-404 Panthers that accelerate the craft to Mach 2 in under 15 minutes. (with afterburner.) The price may be a large but this SST packs the slightly smaller, significantly quieter, and more efficient variant of the well known Military engine J-404 Panther. The craft has been equipped with a Special Stability Inducing Speed Control Mechanism, which slows down the craft automatically when the Afterburners are turned off. The Jet can make 3 trips and back by the time the average 118 Seater MK3 Commercial Aircraft (Assumed cruising speed of 190 to 225 m/s) makes 1 return trip, of about 150 KM, one way (900 KM for the same time as 300 KM) That amounts to around 24 more passengers in the same time and when operated daily can provide about 100 or more passengers. There is a long range high capacity craft, Triumph 2S in the prototype stage. The Aircraft has no shortage of Electricity either, it is produced by a Next-Gen Alternator found in all 4 engines, which runs in all weather conditions. The SST has been designed with revolutionary precision and thus, is Exceptionally stable in all weather conditions. Each SST must be fitted with Action groups for toggling Afterburners (Draconic leaves it to the preference of the Operator) (Draconic does not assume any responsibility if action groups are not fitted.) The Draconic Triumph II, The Luxury SST IMPORTANT: At High speeds (Mach 1.5+) the Triumph II has been noticed to lower it's nose slightly automatically, it has been named 'Elevated Droop' if the fore-mentioned happens pull out slowly, disengage afterburners and apply spoilers to reduce speed and then pull up gently. Suggestion: (Refrain from Physics Warping during 'Elevated Droop') Type: Medium To Long Range Luxury SST (Medium or High Demand) Cruising Speed: Mach 2 (With Afterburner) Cost - 51,067,480 Cruising Altitude: 20 KM Roll Speed: 75 - 85 m/s Range - Exact Unknown (Can fly around Kerbin slightly more than once a on Full tank) 48 Passengers 81 Parts Mods: TweakScale Craft File : https://kerbalx.com/HyperDraco/Draconic-Triumph-II Enjoy.
  9. Sorry If this is late. Draconic Triumph II The Luxury Long Range Supersonic Transport The Triumph II is the final word in Luxurious Supersonic Transport. With a passenger capacity of 48 it can transport customers across the largest of oceans under 2 hours, all of this, without refueling. The Power Plants are 4 J-404 Panthers that accelerate the craft to Mach 2 in under 15 minutes. (with afterburner.) The price may be a large but this SST packs the slightly smaller, significantly quieter, and more efficient variant of the well known Military engine J-404 Panther. The craft has been equipped with a Special Stability Inducing Speed Control Mechanism, which slows down the craft automatically when the Afterburners are turned off. The Jet can make 3 trips and back by the time the average 118 Seater MK3 Commercial Aircraft (Assumed cruising speed of 190 to 225 m/s) makes 1 return trip, of about 150 KM, one way (450 KM for the same time as 300 KM) That amounts to around 24 more passengers in the same time and when operated daily can provide about 100 or more passengers. There is a long range high capacity craft, Triumph 2S in the prototype stage. The Aircraft has no shortage of Electricity either, it is produced by a Next-Gen Alternator found in all 4 engines, which runs in all weather conditions. The SST has been designed with revolutionary precision and thus, is Exceptionally stable in all weather conditions. Each SST must be fitted with Action groups for toggling Afterburners (Draconic leaves it to the preference of the Operator) (Draconic does not assume any responsibility if action groups are not fitted.) The Draconic Triumph II, The Luxury SST IMPORTANT: At High speeds (Mach 1.5+) the Triumph II has been noticed to lower it's nose slightly automatically, it has been named 'Elevated Droop' if the fore-mentioned happens pull out slowly, disengage afterburners and apply spoilers to reduce speed and then pull up gently. Suggestion: (Refrain from Physics Warping during 'Elevated Droop') Type: Medium To Long Range Luxury SST (Medium or High Demand) Cruising Speed: Mach 2 (With Afterburner) Cost - 51,067,480 Cruising Altitude: 20 KM Roll Speed: 75 - 85 m/s Range - Exact Unknown (Can fly around Kerbin slightly more than once a on Full tank) 48 Passengers 81 Parts Mods: TweakScale Craft File : https://kerbalx.com/HyperDraco/Draconic-Triumph-II Enjoy.
  10. Thanks everyone for your help! I am building the Orion spacecraft currently on the Delta IV Heavy LV currently Duna: Set As Target
  11. See, I find the problem at what time you place a maneuver node and where in your orbit corresponding to the celestial body.
  12. Can you please post a link for those mods? I shall take a look at them soon! Well, I have you beat, Some of mine made it into INTERSTELLAR ORBIT (Escape Trajectory from the Sun!) Do not ask me how, please. Oh and a tip, press the Barrage Button to set the guns into Salvo mode, that is when my problem occurred. I highly recommend against that good sir, As I have learned it is more sensible that before you launch the KNS Bose, you go to the Tracking Station and Terminate or Recover all the debris. And if you wish to test a torpedo or bomb, load the bomber FIRST and then the Battleship.(If you use Physics Range Extender, since that is what is visible from the screenshot you have uploaded on your previous post...)
  13. Ok thanks! I am not really used to posting on the forums so sorry if I make a mistake! Do not worry about Step 12c, I (Kind of) value my Kerbals... (It might hit it around c2 but, I do not C that as a problem!) (Sorry, i will leave now...)
  14. Have you tried using Modular Flight Integrator? Copy that, thanks
  15. As my full list, I have: OPT V 2.0 SpacePlane Parts and it's dependencies (JSI, Raster Prop monitor, etc...) Persistent Rotation ASET TweakScale Modular Flight Integrator Module Manager 3.1.0 BDAc North Kerbin Dynamics and Firespitter Hope this helps... I currently have AutoStruts enabled (I think...) If not then where can I enable it? Thanks
  16. Hello to all, I have failed miserably as you can see by the title... I left the solar system and crashed an ISSBM into the sun but, cannot fly to Duna without smashing my poor F5 and F9 keys... Can someone give me a step by step guide on how to move to other planets? (Interplanetary transfers and their angles and times. I am an idiot, you see...) Please Help me and, Thanks (I HAVE NO FRIENDS)
  17. Oh and also, when I fire only the front 6 or rear 6 cannons in a straight or maybe a 35-40 degree angle the ship doesn't explode, it just does, nothing... I wonder if the recoil from the cannons firing simultaneously could stress out the opposite side and cause it explode...
  18. Hello Geonovast, The ship seems to load correctly for me and it also moves... I have a photo of the ship after destroyed my Corvette ship...
  19. But, it works just fine for me, I have not seen any issues as of now Oh and also, how does one downdate their version of Kerbal Space Program? or do you just download an older version of the game?
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