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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

    1. Put a stock hinge. This one's a good one :
    2. Build the shaft of the propeller from the Octagonal Strut.
    3. Build the propeller blade starting from the axle. Use aero parts / lifting sueface (E.g wings or control surfaces). Refer earlier posts for best propeller angles.
    4. Put a tiny lifting surface parallel to the shaft (Will be elaborated more at 5)
    5. Means of Propulsion. Either use at least 10 0.625 (Mk-0) Reaction Wheels, (Around 5?) Mk-1 Reaction Wheel, (3?) 2.5m Reaction Wheels or stock jet engines with its exhaust pointing towards the parallel lifting surface that is used for moving the shaft.

    I'll try make one, but now I've sent my laptop for maintainance and some upgrade. I'm looking for May 3rd to do this.

    14 hours ago, TheRandomGuy1029 said:

    How do I build one

    Also can I use cockpits from mods



  1. Did this quite a long time ago but lost all the picture proof.

    Anyways, just tryna correct the rules terminologically, assymmetry is essentially different shape on both sides. Hence, the same parts on both sides of the plane should be fine, as long as there's a rather largely noticeable difference on both sides.


    Wikipedia can explain this furthermore. If one did more research, you'll get more goodies, but the point is still different shape on both sides, hence repeating parts should be accepted.

  2. You got Miku - Cat Food.

    I want some McDonalds foods.

    (Don't get me wrong, I'm not really a huge fan of McD. Just ran out of idea on what to post)

  3. On 4/21/2019 at 1:53 PM, Pds314 said:

    The goal of this challenge is to reach the Island Runway in a stock propeller aircraft, land, turn around (you MUST turn around, exiting the runway facing 180 degrees from how you landed on it, though you may do so at any speed and do not need to stop on the runway), and get back to the KSC runway, where you must land and stop.

    Complete the course in as little time as possible.

    Okay new rule on fastest times: I'm not gonna put multiple runs of related development by the same person on the list. So clearly-unrelated planes can get one person multiple entries on the list but not just derivatives or multiple runs of the same aircraft with minor tweaks. I'll just mark the fastest run.

    Fastest times:
    1. Chargan in the The Polar Bear Express: 7:23
    2. Pds314 in the Turboelectric Racer III: Pfailure Edition: 8:02
    3. Pds314 in the Oof 1: 10:03

    Just asking : Can participants use jet engines to spin the propellers (i.e Jets pointing directly towards the 'sail' that makes the prop spin, not even a slightly pointing backwards that produces thrust).

  4. 4 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

    What's the KEA challenge?

    Though there's a HUUUUUGE review backlog, even worst than Dubai Intl. Airport or : 

    Downtown Jakarta (Indonesia. Maaf ya, @GRS, tapi macetnya saya dengar karena ada pembinaankah?)

    Kuala Lumpur City Centre (At peak hours; 7:00-9:00AM & 4:00-8:00PM (Malaysia)

    Downtown Georgetown, Penang Island (Malaysia) combined.

    2/10 For your default banner.

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