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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 8 minutes ago, Vaga said:

    Next thing you know you will want him to add a city for kerbals to live or clouds in the sky!  :P

    Hehe well I'm not really asking for that. I'm on a rather toaster, such eye candy might be unnecessary before I build my own PC or buying a legit gaming laptop.

    Also if taking / leaving Kerbals like a station crew rotation, if I'm bad at it, don't think I'd sustain such thing... :wink:

    And I (Probably?) know what he's good at and bad at. @blackheart612 did parts modding, and why not let others do some eye candy? (But if he did eyecandying, hmm...)

    In terms of cities, we already have Kerbal Konstructs & Kerbinside (Continued). Too much then things go hairy.

  2. So some part suggestions here :

    • Latest Hondas form factors (What about City, Civic, Accord, Freed, Oddyssey & Jazz?)
    • Some Mercedez cars, vans & truck parts (For car enthusiasts' eye candy probably?)
    • Sleeker car parts
    • Toyota AE86 parts (DEJA VU! I'VE JUST BEEN AT THIS PLACE BEFORE, HIGHER IN THE STREETS) *Two trashcans dragraces each other*
    • Pushback tug parts (And thus more powerful wheels)
    • Scissor lifts for Airbus A300-600ST Beluga & A330 BelugaXL loading / unloading (That'll be together with AP+ Beluga Parts Release if you'll do that).
    • Taller airstairs.
    • Tank parts (To be combo'd with BDAC)
    • Roofboxes for cars, should be attachable either with a node or radial.

    Anyways, works fine on 1.5.1, no hitches and glitches as always.


    I did know how to drift properly in KSP but too lazy to type stuff tonight (GMT +8). Let me know if you'd like to know.


  3. morethan2100.jpg


    On 3/24/2019 at 10:14 AM, XB-70A said:


    If you're wondering what pic you're responding, that's ikan masin (Lit. Salty fish) aka Dry Fish. Traditionally it's dried under hot sun with salt spread over it, but modern technique uses an 'oven' (Or heater basically) to dry the fish but still with the salt.

  4. 12 hours ago, Aeroboi said:

    Super Jumbo SC64 (mechjeb)

    I made a mach ~3.00 supersonic SuperJumbo that (can) also land/takeoff from water.

    1. Category Super Jumbo
    2. 239 Parts
    3. 836 Passengers (4 crew)
    4. Seaplane/Supersonic Jet
    5. Takeoff speed 110m/s or 75m/s with afterburners if you thrust the nose up using the Panthers at the front.
    6. Range = 5000Km
    7. Max speed = Mach 2.87 at 11km.
    8. Price: $1.930.985.000

    Action groups:

    • 1:Toggles wet/dry engine mode on panthers.
    • 2:Toggles Panthers on/off.
    • 4:Toggles nose cargo bay Panthers to lift nose up.
    • 5:Toggles front cargo bays.

    As is mentioned, can use Panther engines at the front to quickly rise the nose, or soft land the nose when performing a water landing.
    Can takeoff from runway and land anywhere.

    Explanation water landing: It is difficult!

    Best is to use Mechjeb Smart A.S.S. Surface mode and hold pitch at 9° on MTOW and use 1/3 to 1.3/3 throttle and make sure you softly touch the water on the rear then use action group 4 to activate the panthers on the back and 2 to cut the forward throttle and push the nose down with "W" until the nose comes down far enough and then "S" to keep it above water until it settles down. Try to practice this. If you fail to reactivate the front Panthers at full throttle to late it nose will hit the water to fast and the Panthers will be destroyed. If you activate them to fast the nose will steep climb out of the water and potentially pitch backwards.
    Reactivate action group 4 to deactivate the front panthers. Best is to land at 70-75m/s wait for the rear to sink halfway into the water then press 2 followed by 4 and span "Z" to max throttle to settle the nose down.
    To get out of the water use action group 2 to toggle forward throttle and accelerate to 72m/s and then activate action group 4 while pressing "S" until the nose comes up far enough. Don't wait long enough to deactivate otherwise the nose will pull up to hard. Press "5" to toggle cargo bay doors.

    May require practice.
    Should be able to do without Mechjeb and steps should be re-producable as handling with SAS seems good enough. Just make sure the back of the plane touches as softly as possible and try to land not faster then 85m/s


    Fly runway and takeoff 5° on dry engine settings at MTOW and accelerate. Keep accelerating at 5° on dry until reach 3300meter altitude. Activate "action group 1" to switch to wet mode at 3300meter altitude and maintain 5° until 12km and then level off within 0° to 1°  and try to hold 0° until above 830m/s and then hold 0° from there on.


    39001 / 8.05 * 857,8 = 4155Km range :) at Mach 2.89
    Note: That is in wet mode after traveling 150km from the KSC. On dry it could do much further.

    Album: https://imgur.com/a/rlqAuHI
    KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/crafts/52312/edit


    Your KerbalX link brought us to your mid-editing form of your KerbalX upload. Please save the edit and copy the link which is in form of something like this ://kje

    https://kerbalx.com/[Your KerbalX Username]/[Craft Name when Uploaded to KerbalX]

    Example :



    Make sure your KerbalX Craft Link is no longer has "edit" at the end.

  5. Error 575-101B

    Sorry to say, the Space Shuttle program will be continued with the Orbiter will be an Airbus A330ST BelugaXL with top-opening cargo bay.


    575 - STS in alphanumerical.


  6. Airplane+ has been updated.

    On 2/5/2019 at 7:38 PM, panzerknoef said:

    I kinda think you need at least a bit of knowledge on judging to run the challenge... Just so you know what is and what isn't good and nice to work with. Also because as challenge owner you get to make the rules, but you don't actually have to work with the planes designed by those rules if you're not judging. That, to me, seems like a pretty bad idea. 

    Also, I know you're quite a mod enthusiast, and I'd be pretty disappointed if this challenge was to get out of hand with dozens of allowed or even required mods since I like to keep my install fairly clean. I'm pretty sure you'd also scare off a lot of potential judges that way. 

    But if you really wanna take it upon you, go ahead, but I would strongly suggest not making any major changes without consulting the judges and possibly getting the majority on your side for new ideas. (shouldn't be too hard if your ideas are solid and good for the challenge though)

    I'll give it a try on judging. Just expect a review on 3 practice planes and a meme. In the spoiler is the teaser...






  7. On 3/21/2019 at 2:06 AM, farmerben said:

    Kerbal genetic engineers have come up with a type of coconut that can grow in extremely low light conditions.  They ask for a custom vehicle to carry scientists, passengers, experimental storage bays, etc.  It must be capable of taking off from the sea, and be able to land on non flat terrain.  The coconut growers wish to visit as many shorelines on Laythe as possible.  They would like to be able to takeoff on polar headings and make multiple landings before going to orbit.  

    To prove extreme durability and ruggedness it must be able to land on the small island runway and takeoff from the Kerbin sea, with the ability to reach LKO.  

    Points awarded for:


    • Ability to takeoff from Kerbin sea and reach LKO          +500
    • Ability to land on the small island runway                       +250
    • Visit at Laythe biome, collect a surface sample             +200 each  (must be able to store all samples)
    • Passengers, cabins                      +50 per kerbal
    • Science instruments, coms...     + 100 total  
    • ISRU                                                 + 100  (complete kit)
    • docking ports, RCS                        +100
    • ability to land on Minimus after Kerbin sea takeoff   + 500
    • ability to land on any other moon after Laythe takeoff  +500


      Hide contents



    My current favorite sea plane.  It has ISRU, science, coms, and 3 crew.   It cannot dolphin takeoff because it has no oxidizer but it will lift off form the sea at about 50m/s.  I broke a solar panel by moving through the sea at 3 m/s, but I think there is an RTG.  





    Are modded parts allowed? I'm considering doing this with part mods used for building my SSTO Sea-Spaceplane.

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