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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 1 hour ago, Mathrilord said:

    I'm still searching for a good one.

    Tips, try not to give hints to, or simply 'Kerbalizing' the name of a real-life manufacturer. I've come up with Frontinco anyway, and it should be 100% original.

    Examples of names to avoid:

    • Koeing
    • Kerbus
    • Kombardier
    • Kantonov

    And et cetera...

    Other than that, single, 'perfect'-word names sounds good, while you can always have people call your company on its abbreviation. Example (although it's a siren manufacturer, not an aircraft manufacturer), ATI which stands for "Acoustics Technology, Incorporated". However, as you can see, abbreviated names are good if the 'long name' stands for words that exist as a legit English word (or a word kmown by the 'general' public), so yours may be, if adhering both aforementioned conditions:

    •  Mass Commercial Aircraft Production, Limited (MCAP Ltd.)

    Though you may need to drop the "Commercial" if you're gonna make military & experimental aircraft as well.

    In real life many companies tend to use the founder's name (or part thereof) as their brand name. Mine, Frontinco (actually includes "... Aerospace Corporation") has part of my username (although I didn't have the "F" standing for my username in the first place). So yours may be:

    • Mathrilord Commercial Airplanes

    I'll leave it to you to decide your own. I'm just giving some suggestion & idea.

  2. 21 hours ago, Mathrilord said:


    If someone wants to do some works on my Plesiosaurus rex (the big one on the left) as some kind of collaboration, I can upload it on kerbalX because he's lagging my computer.

    Actual stat: 415 parts, ...

    If yours can barely handle that, my laptop (which can only handle like my L-50-30 at maximum) it's gonna hate that tho.

    But all I can see is that the Flight scene in my 1.9.1 install is a lot lighter than my previous installs, so this might work. I'm thinking of changing the tail fin to the one exactly on my L-50.

    Anyway @Mathrilord what's your company name?

  3. So I've came up with a list of words based on several popular cultures to refer to several extreme events.

    • Kerbal = Extremely massive & overpowered rocket/airplane.
    • Chuck Norris = Extreme machine guns of any kind, or extreme usage of the aforementioned weapon.
    • Frozen / Elsa = Too much ice / heavy usage of ice, e.g the Habakkuk aircraft carrier or that one ice pool table on the Google Picture War RELOADED thread.

    OK I need more ideas

  4. 23 hours ago, Mathrilord said:

    1.10 is out. Can we submit 1.10 aircraft? 

    Not a judge but considering the fact that you're gonna submit a fully-stock craft, but with liveries, right? It's a pain in the ayy to make individual cheatline (i.e the stripes), not to mention special elements even in the In-House livery (i.e manufacturer livery) (take Boeing's wavy pattern on the bottom & the tail livery on Airbus's prior to the A320neo for example). Though you can still just slap in your logo & model number, Soviet-style In-house livery.

    EDIT: But we'll see your livery design if you ever come up with. There's also lots of blank airliner templates available online for you to start messing with.

  5. 5 hours ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

    Boarding School? But corona time and all?

    It's closed and I'm home now. Online Class, I've skipped them thanks to the fact that I've spent the whole Corona time at my grandpa's home which have no WiFi. So phone hotspot. Even my mom's Samsung Note 9 can't give the ping equivalent to that of a dedicated WiFi Access Point. I mean, I can barely play Roblox Phantom Forces at below-100ms ping, my cousin can barely hear me talking over Discord and video conference would be oofed. And plus, I'm pretty much a madlad.

    (And my r/dankmemes flair has pledged lol)

    We've got to empty our closet (uhh... more like locker actually) on 9th next month, so our home-staying would be longer. And taking my laptop from the technician (who's in turn is our Computer Science teacher who also offers a computer fixing service as a side job) would take very, very long. My home is like 1 hour & 30 minutes drive (in one way) (100+ km) away from school while the technician lives next to the school.

    So to spend time with no laptop I'm thinking of doing something more ridiculous. Cooking for myself, done. Marathoning Frozen 2, done (not as sad as expected but it's still good). Staying at my cousin's home, also done. Running at 10km/h on a treadmill with a tiny little slope at his home for 5 minutes straight, done. Cooking a pizza for each of us (who stayed at cousin's home as well; and I'm staying with my other cousins. It's hillarious, ngl) using a tortilla wrap as the crust, done. Being a Bröthër, done.

  6. Managed to do 3-4 hours. Slept at 3AM at the boarding school as I was busy playing KSP.

    And that sums up a bit of my weekend Boarding School life, if there's no extra class. Wake up, shower, prep class (i.e just doing stuff in the classroom where we have our prep in), morning tea at the cafe (ngl their fried rice taste quite good), prep class but 'on steroids', back to the hostel, set up my laptop in the common room, let KSP load for like 30 minutes, do laundry, get back to my laptop, play until 6PM, shower, dinner, prayers, supper & back to the hostel to do KSP until midnight.

  7. But still, mods are only available as a Zip file after all, right?

    Anyway I've Google-Fu'd about my HP's no-screen at startup, with fan on & Caps Lock blinking. There's something about the BIOS I need to mess with.

    EDIT: And the only way I can access my BIOS while having literally no screen is by taking a USB drive and... uhh... I'm not really a tech expert anyway. I may just send it for a fix.

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