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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 11 hours ago, Mars-Bound Hokie said:

    :rep: Hokies Aerospace Introduces :rep:

    The Airliner

    (We're bad at naming not-so-kickass aircraft, all right?)



    • Short-hall, low capacity airliner
      • Recommended cruising specs (used MJ Autopilot)
        • Altitude: 5,700 m
        • Recommended Cruising Speed: 310 m/s
      • Range: 1,761 km
        • Fuel: 5,000 units
        • Consumption rate: 0.88
          • Keep in mind that the consumption rate dropped over time as the altitude and speed remained constant.
      • Occupancy: 36 (32 passengers + 36 crew)
      • Price: :funds:124,230,000


    Also comes with features such as:

    • Kerbnet access from the probe core
      • Which also means it can be remotely controlled
    • Internal radiators to keep the wings cool
    • A rear exit, with a ramp that opens
      • Do not get anyone out through the rear hatch while the ramp is closed. That's how we lost one our volunteer jumper.
        • Rest in peace, Fermal Kerman. ;.;



    Craft file (current version): https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Airliner

    1. You don't need 4 Goliaths for that size of an airliner; sometimes 3 Wheesleys or 2 Goliaths are enough. EDIT: Only use 4 Goliaths when building airliners as big as mine & @espartanlast1's (Mine's like 1 or 2 3 pages back).
    2. Avoid building fuselages with cargo bays. AFAIK judges here already considered the Mk3 cabins to have cargo honds under them, just 'secret'. Or you could just use the tiny flat bit of the Mk3 ramp as the cargo hold. Unless you're making a Combi (though you seem to not include "Combi" in the category).
  2. Welp, there's Roblox in it as well (and obviously I'd join the KSP one, but if they allow for participating in both, I'm in). But sadly, my laptop is dead.

    2 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    Sadly, I'm too old to go.  ;.;




  3. 19 hours ago, Mathrilord said:

    Propfan is a pain

    (fake propfan)

    using ec produce by jet engine to power ecProp= need to balance speed, altitude, throttle, rotor torque, rotor rpm, blades angle, ec usage, etc

    My system actually included Fuel Cells as well, but for now (at least after I've sent my damned laptop for a fix first) I'm working on Fuelcell-less propfans.

    EDIT: But still I can say it's rather reliable (and sometimes powerful), almost rivalling that of jet engines, at the cost of complexity and part count.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Mathrilord said:

    My XL Fan have 24 blades.

    I don't know much about the stock turboshaft engine, I skip it because it wasn't powerful enough for my needs. Also using rotor and fuel cell cost more but seems more efficient. (rotor is more draggy too)

    For Jet vs eProp yes eProp provide better acceleration for a lower top speed and generally lower optimal altitude but also better speed control as prop are very good airbrakes.

    For the number of blades... (Need to experiment a bit more) More blades means better performance BUT more instability. The mk3 noodle above can't go faster than 115 m/s with four engine because they are at front of the plane. Look at the thrust direction of the prop here:aN2mmdf.png

    This means that if your prop is at the front it will amplify your angle of attack (difference between your orientation and air flow direction). It's like high wing and low wing. Prop at the front= less stable, prop at the rear= more stable, and more your prop have blades more the effect can be wild.

    I haven't encounter this situation yet but too many blades might be possible.

    edit:Also you need two counter-rotating prop if you want to use SAS

    I do have a plane with 4 electric prop which go above 300m/s but that's the maximum.

    edit2: while ergol isn't wrong, in french we say for liquid fuel, essence or carburant

    edit3: the v2 of the mk3 noodle have only 2 engine and fly faster

    I usually have two sets of eProps & Turboshafts clipped into each other (and put a Juno at the end of the nacelle) to make a High RPM, High Energy, High Thrust, (rather) High Speed Turboprop.

    I usually put up to 8 blades per one set of Turboshaft & eRotor (8 blades on every of the 8 nodes of the TS rotor which is placed at the end of an EM-64 Heavy Rotor. Fuel Cell included but not on the rotor). Depends whether I'm using the Ducted Fan blades or the regular propeller blades (both at the longest length).

  5. 3 hours ago, Mathrilord said:

    It works?!?!!!!!!!!!!!! First try! Takeoff, flight and landing!


    In the same time I was trying to learn your language. Spanish right?


    • Ergol liquide = Liquid Fuel
    • Charge életrique = Electric Charge
    • Oxydant = Oxidizer
    • Monergol = Monopropellant
    • [Not gonna translate the whole screen, I have no enough time to]
    3 hours ago, Mathrilord said:

    I didn't use goliath because it wouldn't go pass 8 m/s. 30 mk3 passenger modules.

    So [how many blades are there per motor?]-blade eProp provides better acceleration, right? At the cost of speed?

  6. On 7/6/2020 at 6:03 PM, Maxorin said:

    It's just a series of messages on Discord. The judge who wants to take a plane with react with a symbol of sorts and 'claim' it. There's no inherent spreadsheet.

    My submission's post is an all-image (with embedded link and yes, all pictures are clickable [and there's a ****roll in the contact info segment]). Does that count as a submission that will end up on the 'claiming system'?

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