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Everything posted by GearsNSuch

  1. So what do they have left to install on the craft? Avionics? Engines? Legs? Also, on a tangent, I could never shake the feeling that the upper segment looked suspiciously like Jules Verne’s moon bullet...
  2. Someone needs to invent a bike umbrella. Also: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QAwL0O5nXe0
  3. Something I’ve always had a question about is how they know that the current global temperature trend upwards is unusual and caused by human activity. We’ve been measuring global temperature for under a hundred years, so any assumptions as to what the average was before then seem really speculative. For all we know, it coulda been doin’ loop-de-loops. Not saying the theory that we influence climate is impossible, but it doesn’t seem that there’s enough evidence to justify the politics associated with it. Unfortunately, there’s no money or power in saying “we don’t know.” It’d be far better to control pollution because of the visible, concrete effect it has on people and wildlife. Between cities with and without pollution regulations, can you guess which ones people have to wear masks in?
  4. Granted. As a bonus, they activate at peak re-entry heat and stress. I wish that @Dman979 could keep the dollar he so desperately wants.
  5. Granted. You will now regenerate all teeth ever lost by everything at once. I wish I had a working F4U Corsair.
  6. (Inspirational poster falls off wall into garbage masher) Same here! There are lots of good resources that explain that out there. One or two might even be comprehensible! Just a quick Google search yielded this one: https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/circuits/Lesson-1/Electric-Potential You may already have seen it, but I thought it explained the concept of electric potential well. My (probably erroneous) take: But keep looking and learning until you have a firm grasp of the concept. It doesn’t sound like you’re as bad at it as you think you are. And besides. You play Kerbal Space Program. You clearly aren’t just banging rocks together here.
  7. A lot of life is like a true or false test. This is false. No. Most people don’t understand it even after several years of college classes. I don’t think that the field of electricity (pun intended) is really fully understood fully by anyone. It’s complicated stuff, and sometimes the best explanation is “this thing does that because... er... I’ll get back to you on that “ I don’t mean to sound like some sappy self-help book, but don’t stop trying to learn just because it doesn’t click right now. Keep trying hard, reading, watching videos, and asking questions that generate ten thousand more (that’s how people make amazing new discoveries, by the way). If you never get it, it’s not that you’re dumb or defective. Your skill set might just be elsewhere (It was the same for me. Leave the pitiful current of electricians and join the rapidly advancing field of Mechanical Engineering! Or you could always be a baker. Baking is good. Lots of smart people become bakers.). But most of the time, if you keep on working hard as you have been, it’ll click, even if it takes years. (Sorry for failing at not sounding like an office wall inspirational poster)
  8. I usually know that my rockets will fail long in advance due to some error discovered in the post-critical-burn-checkup, so that’s not stressful, just sad. Probably the most stressful moment I’ve had was while docking back in the early days of my KSPing. I had the rendezvous down pretty okay, but when it came to actually maneuvering to the port I could be shaky. So I built a space station. As I was bringing the first crew in, however, I ran out of monoprop. The docking port was gliding by... A tap of the engines... Capture, but just barely. That thing wobbled like a door sproingy.
  9. More carry-out boxes than food? That must be frustrating. “Come on, guys! Build your satellites faster! We’ve got a schedule to maintain!”
  10. My generalization may have been hasty as it was drawn from a small sample, the living organisms that I can see right now. Also, do you know how hard it is to type with your eyes closed?
  11. One might say all of it is unintelligent.
  12. Well. That’s not good. Better than an extra percussive docking, though So I’m a bit confused. I assume the craft drifted away? Or is it kinda just hanging out around the station? Also, is Fedor riding in the seat or the cargo compartment? I wonder if they can see him sadly staring out of the window... Shoulda brought space rope. And a space robot cowboy hat.
  13. Well this is going to be an empty thread... Microwaved scrambled eggs. Scramble an egg, dump it into a microwaveable bowl, heat for ~30s, stir, heat for 30 more seconds and presto! The texture is surprisingly light and airy, but the flavor can be a bit bland when nothing is mixed in. Try adding a bit of bell pepper, pepper, onion, olive oil, or cheese. It makes a good, healthy, on the go breakfast.
  14. To add to the general hype... It has multiplayer. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2/
  15. On the KSP website, they have some actual gameplay photos. And of course, I was using some hyperbole there, but they really do look about nearly almost as good. Just try clicking on the banner on top of the forum and scrolling down a bit.
  16. I quickly glanced at the site and saw that banner. KSP2? Cool! About two hours later it hit me. Waitaminutewhat? And so I quickly glanced over the posts and looked at the posts. Woah! That’s great! A ground up rebuild of KSP with new graphics and features. And then I clicked on the banner. Gameplay screenshots that look as good as the trailer? Surface colonies? Multiplayer? Hrk! So that’s why I’m suing Take Two for emotional damages equivalent to hitting me with a train full of rainbows, sunshine, and rocket fuel.
  17. A rusty, cigar-shaped, three-finned hulk drifts outside the disabled Orion capsule, a Jolly Roger stenciled on the side. A clank. The hiss of the airlock. The hatch, turning. A grizzled captain, toting a not-flamethrower, drifts through, surveying the shocked crew. “Captain Musk’s the name, and I’m here to give you gentlemen a few options...”
  18. Glad to see we’ll be getting more of Hallock & Sieta Spaceship and Station Towing Co. I hope the Captain brought some bananas.
  19. Actually, that would be kinda neat if, on the boosters, capsules, and Starships, they painted a marker for every mission flown. "'Booster ace' 'Don't Read the Instructions' has made its 25th landing today. Leading the scoreboards is 'I Left Something Behind' at 32 successful missions." The survival rates are probably better than those of WWI aces... (OSHA raises hand)
  20. I think someone at Bigelow's art department needs to get a new job. Also, nice! Full Starship tests in 4 to 6 months! Production seems to be really moving along.
  21. Minutes from 50 years ago, three fellows rocketed towards the moon guided by computers that rivaled a dollar store calculator. Rocketry had only been around for around 20 years. Now we can use computers to create a physically accurate simulation of that mission and even land boosters back on earth, yet we haven’t been back to the moon for over 40 years. I suppose rivalry is a stronger incentive than technological capability.
  22. As linuxgurugamer specified above, you’ll need to include some information to get help. Some questions to answer are: What version of macOS do you have? Is your game modded? Have you tried a clean install? Are you giving the program the proper permissions? 1.7.3 works fine on the latest Mac OS for me, so it isn’t the game itself. I hope you can figure out the issue.
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