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Dirt The Space Dirt Fox

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    Explore new worlds, seeking out fine new dirt to roll and dig in!

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  1. The most exciting thing to me is the customization that will be possible such as coloring my ships and sizing wings and stuff exactly as I need! Fly brightly colored and Safe fellow Kerbonauts!!
  2. This is exactly why I only got making history for the parts/extra bases etc back when I got it. The mission builder is something that should have been usable within sandbox, science and career modes on a whim to change things up! This is why I've never had much use of it and was a bit disappointed in it, was a huge missed opportunity there that I hope can be addressed in the future.
  3. True, understand the realism aspect, but there's also the gameplay consideration too considering this is Kerbal Space Program, because it does offer the potential to allow some impressive designs with inspiration from reality even if not truly accurate for such parts. However I do have much more experimenting to do, like use the higher torque servo's instead of hinges for certain applications and see how that works out even if, I just can't help but wish for, *Mimics tool time host* MORE POWER : P! But if we got further heavier duty parts down the line with these considerations like hydraulic-based hinges, that would be nice and satisfy me, l hope that does happen, the more the merrier. But until then I have plenty of new things yet to try and am thankful for this DLC. Still so many things are possible now that weren't before. Edit: hmm, it may turn out in a couple cases I didn't have enough electric charge reserve it would seem, at least in the case of pistons, apparently you can have more energy demand than you may realize and the electric charge bar doesn't reveal the whole story! Back to the drawing board maybe.... Needed to use my bigger nuclear reactors for some contraptions. Pistons definitely have impressive strength, so no complains there on my part now!
  4. I have to say I'm a little disappointed in how weak the hinges in general are. Even my idea for having flip-out parachute array arms on landable rocket stages easily end up folding like an umbrella in a severe wind storm, same with trying to make custom landing legs, the hinges are far, far too weak period. Don't get me wrong, I do love this stuff and having fun with lighter duty setups but I must say I was expecting a bit more strength in all this stuff, very wobbly and need more strength to increase potential applications. Still, I know this is new but I hope adding some more robustness to the robotics can be considered in updates.
  5. Last time I was very seriously playing with wheels, my biggest scourge was dealing with them bursting literally every time a Kerbal got out of a command seat or just merely hooking or unhooking vehicles together, or even decoupling something from vehicles, and constantly have to repair them with an engineer literally all the time and the vehicles weren't anything extremely heavy either! I don't know if got recently fixed because I kind of gave up doing much with them due to this, it got too problematic and didn't used to be this way. I hope this is fixed in time for the DLC if it hasn't already as I have big robotics plans for wheel vehicles such as trucks!
  6. Nuclear, nuclear and more nuclear stuff. We could use nuclear reactors, more nuclear engines, and perhaps electroplasma whatever they are called engines that reactors can power as well. in other words I'm a big fan of Kerbal Atomics and the Near Future series electrical and engines mods, but I'd like to see stuff like this in the stock game to give more options when it comes to building immense ships capable of going anywhere!
  7. Something I'm very fond of is building realistic trucks in KSP, naturally these robot parts are going to allow me to do lots of trucky things! I'll make a crane truck, a refueling boom tanker truck, and also a dump truck that I can load with debris created by crashes . And then when it gets back to the space center it can dump the debris where they get full retrieval value! And also of course loading small asteroids into trucks to move to my collection of them. The truck possibilities are now truly limitless, this is going to be a long short wait! Might try to make a fork type garbage truck as well for picking up dumpsters or other things like that and include a Kraken edition compactor inside : P. Oh and of course, make a mobile launch truck that deploys rockets like Russian ICBM carriers, but for manned space travel from any location desired with ease that can be re-used as many times as needed! Just pull the truck up to the launchpad with a ready to go rocket, and load it, and drive off to desired launch site!
  8. I hope the robotic parts have enough power to make something akin to the shredder and crushers that someone once made with Infernal Robotics (I'd use that mod but I couldn't find it up to date enough where I looked), I had a serious laughing fit at all the hilarity going on with such contraptions Edit: found video, Hehehe!
  9. Yeah that's the funny thing about the engine plates, they like to cause that to happen to whatever you have the plate attached to, I almost think this might even be a bug, maybe they intended the engines attached to the plates to be grandparent strutted to the tank or whatever the plates are attached to? That would make more sense, and would be okay by default but override would be nice. This also doesn't seem to always be the case until like loading the ship in again after saving or such, I'd have to play around with it some more, I haven't used the plates a whole lot but it's certainly strange behaviour.
  10. There's also the making history engine plates, though they are safer than most cases because they use grandparent strutting. My biggest issue is the wheels because by far most of my time in KSP is spent making and toying with wheeled vehicles, something of a specialty of mine, and the big problem with wheels is they all are locked to heaviest part strutting, and for me, that is bad! That causes the entire vehicle to be rigid when I don't want it to be, I'd rather change the strutting method to grandparent parts for instance so they only are rigid relative to the axle part I attach them to. I want my vehicles like longer trucks or buses to be able to flex more along their body as an example, and there's several benefits to this strategy such as less physical shock when wheels hit something that can cause them to burst by allowing the vehicle to form to the ground or whatever it's riding over. It just seems like such a simple thing that should exist to be allowed to override this locked strutting, it's frustrating for me as much as I love making advanced wheeled vehicles. And lastly as an example of why one might like to be able to turn this off, is the instance of space stations exploding due to unsafe strut combinations, such a wheeled vehicle getting added to the mix there with locked heaviest part strutting. I however haven't had this example happen to me personally but I've heard all about it and is just another reason we need more control over this. Edit: and by engine plates, I mean they cause parts attached to them to become locked, but it also strangely seems inconsistent as well and is not always the case? weird.
  11. This would be the next greatest quality of life improvement (at least for me) since being able to slot kerbals to external command seats. I've been playing for quite some time and reasonably good at making sophisticated ship and vehicle designs, but something that really causes problems or limitations for me in particular designs is locked autostruts I cannot disable! It would be so nice to be able to do this please, I understand locked autostruts are good for keeping certain things firmer when one is new to putting parts and certain designs together but I'd rather make the call as to what gets strutted or not if I so choose as I understand the interactions of them very well. Sometimes things I just want to be highly flexible and not overly rigid.
  12. I really want to see at least two more moons with a new planet, first is the obvious inspired by Titan, but even more so, I want a volcanic moon inspired by Io! It could become the first moon that actually has dangerous lava-lake surfaces that will overheat craft parts contacting the hot lava rock without proper thermal management (hardened but still glowing red lava, not outright liquid is necessary), that would be interesting! I remember when I first got into KSP was I really wanted to find places with volcanic activity but was surprised to find none, it was also unfortunate the ingame legend's about Moho were untrue : P! Also as a bonus, I feel a new ice moon might be nice too that has large ice cracks in the surface that lead to water and thus unique challenging terrain to explore plus cryo volcanoes along with Full on erupting volcanoes on the Io-style moon. Arguably though the ice moon concept could apply to an existing planet/moon. In fact one could just say all the existing planets/moons should just get revamps to make them much more interesting than they are now with these features as example possibilities. Hopefully Squad considers either of these possibilities, I'd really like a bit more to be going on at places once you arrive at them compared to how they are now. And yes I know about mods but I don't like relying on them due to the inherent issues associated with mods.
  13. I actually think, though perhaps it's been a while so hard to be sure, that I might even prefer to keep my heat shield on if I'm coming down just a little too fast for comfort, because slamming the heat shield into the ground enough to destroy it was enough to save my capsule by breaking the fall. However in that case I'd recommend attaching it so it had the shroud (Or another part, but the idea is saving on mass) which gives a little space between your heat shield and capsule to ensure the capsule doesn't slam the ground at the same time as the shield due to clipping. Your mileage may definitely vary.
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