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I likeOxidizerrfuel

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  • About me
    Rocket Scientist
  • Location
    Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, USA, NJ, Princeton
  • Interests
    Playing Kerbal Space Program, and Warmongering in Civ VI!

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  1. I don't mind at all. My desk is too small anyways, but I still support the cause for multi-monitor support.
  2. Confirmed; the thing causing the issue is Restock. If you are having this issue, remove your restock mods! Cheers!
  3. Hey hey! Here I am, back again with another round of tech support. The issue now is that I cannot click the fairing button... for no reason, literally. I don't know why, but it was working before I got some mod (probably mod bloatware). Anyways, this is the photo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15iDjGFdLBvfL5k1EXS0D8Oe70B5oVyGq/view go to the link.
  4. I was looking for this. Thanks! Now, where did my watch go...
  5. I am trying to get into KSP, but then this Add on version checker (which I am pretty sure is mod bloat) doesn't let me load my mods from 1.8. I tried to do a version override and delete the mod from CKAN, but that did not work. Now I do not know what to do. Please help. Thanks!
  6. I would like to know IVA mods other than Near Future, Raster Prop Monitor and ASET please. Thank you!
  7. My primary save has died! What details do you need to fix this?
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