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  1. This is a big problem , since the for science update the game is actually playable, started making a space station, i wanted to just use an SSTO because its better for the environment , but there was one module (lighter than some of the others) that was experiencing so much drag its next to impossible to take off the ground and when you do get off the ground it instantly backflips . Its nothing to do with the aerodynamic to weight position , nor is it where the wheels are placed in relation to the weight to get a good rotation because the SSTO performs very efficiently empty , and with parts stowed inside that do not experience much drag. In the end i had to launch that module by rocket which defeated the whole purpose of what i was trying to achieve. I hope its an easy fix , literally spent hours and hours getting the balance just to find out the cargo bay doesnt actually work, iv noticed this on the XL cargo bay and also the Medium size cargo bay so i imagine it affects all of them.
  2. Any news on when we might actually get something for the money we sent?
  3. I wouldnt be surprised if we see a ksp3. i tried the game today after a 6 week break 2 patches been added apparently i went to build a plane and every time i went to edit the wings one would flip so ones facing up and ones facing down ...not ideal for wings it wasnt a symmetry issue because they attached correctly but flip upon editing it took 5 mins for me to find the game unplayable . Ksp3 it will happen.... i dont hear complaints in the comments sections its just "oh i cant wait for this" and "i hope we see that" "i definitely want first person EVA with VR" (my kerbals cant even EVA yet), nobody is saying the game is completely unplayable .Even if all the features were added tomorrow the game still doesnt work ,the devs say report bugs and feedback ...6 weeks later it was actually worse wings never used to flip upon editing like that. Now devs talking about multiplayer and science ,new parts . what, sort out saves dissapearing sort out craft falling apart for no reason sort out loss of craft control sort out vehicles glitching through the floor and corrupting the vehicle save file sort out actually being able to land on planets instead of falling through them. These are the kind of things that need fixing before anything else is even considered its obvious to me, they will have a ksp3 and players will be left wanting forever is my guess
  4. You've took so much money and given hardly anything back ,this date will slip I'm sure.
  5. Cheeky asking full price for an unplayable game
  6. I found a workaround for losing control ,bring an antenna that's deployable,if you lose control of the craft change the state of the antenna and you will get control back ,hope it helps
  7. Ty for reply mehjeb ,I heard there have been layoffs and it wasn't exactly going at a fast pace to begin with, I suspect it will be some very long time. first time iv gone into early Access I didn't realise games actually released this broke so a learning experience for me.
  8. Title says it all, it's happened a few times to me now ,it's hard enough building anything without vehicles glitching through the floor and being lost with saves corrupted (always stuck through floor)then you make it out VAB something usually goes wrong an uncontrolled spinout parts falling off stations just falling out of orbit..you get to your objective (somehow) then the game just deletes everything. I don't know anything about game development but these are just so game breaking and seem like such a simple thing to get right Its shocking I have to walk away from the game for a bit now too many hours just been invested then deleted.
  9. Won't be deleting any files, not being able to Eva is probably making the game more stable.in game there's no glitches or crashes so don't really wanna change anything after hearing of some problems people are having
  10. I tried some asparagus staging but the fuel lines just didn't move the fuel I think that's not working currently
  11. If you read the synopsis for Bop it's rumoured the kraken lives there ,after visiting I can confirm the kraken does indeed live there and you should stay well away!
  12. The arrows are really useful it orientates so if you need to burn left you do the left arrow , before I'd burn a bit one way check altitude and if it wasnt getting lower I'd stop and reverse course and burn the other way! Wasting precious DV now it's simply an arrow which is a lot easier to understand especially if you don't have much time to make and burn the node. So many people just basically asking for ksp 1 stuff ,you've already got ksp1 go play it, some of us want to try new things!!
  13. IF you focus on the body you're going to the blue circles will show where you will enter and exit SOI. Whilst focused at body click any part of your manoeuvre node (doesn't have to be the middle) then u can adjust it accordingly whilst being focused at the object ,sometimes you have to close the node for it to update your SOI markers so make a small change close manoeuvre node to see results, that combined with where you will enter the SOI gives you a clear path of where you will pass the body. You also get AP and PE height on the navball ball . Iv visited every planet and moon like this so it definitely works
  14. Am using 1660ti with an i5. Am regularly getting 20-30fps with 70+ part craft on takeoff .my game doesn't crash out unless I Clip things then try launch them
  15. I have this issue now I can't EVA! but I could the first time I played the game??
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