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Posts posted by PlatinumBlast

  1. So, you see, I have been to Eve and Duna before in KSP, however, that was on infinite fuel, as a kind of training mission. The problem I have here, though, is that I actually cannot manage to build a spacecraft of such proportions. Any tips? I know the obvious answer is: Scott Manley Tutorials, but I can't really follow him that well. Besides, I want this to be a custom rocket, and not me just copying somebody else. I hope this isn't a too jumbled up question, but if it is, then please just ask me about what you don't understand. :)

  2. Hello, does anybody here know how to rendezvous and dock with spacecraft easily and efficiently? I'm building a small station at the moment - around 100km above sea level, and when I managed to dock the second stage (comms and power) to the main parent module, I was quite proud, and I decided to go ahead and try attach the third and fourth modules, (crew and research modules) but then I nearly gave up completely when I just couldn't get a rendezvous with the craft again, even though I had a good 1.5k Delta V at my disposal. Also, anybody know how to directly insert a photo into these posts? Sorry if this sounds stupid.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :) 

  3. It was funny, because one of the first KSP videos I ever watched was one of the episodes of Matt's Duna attacks series, and it was so convincing I thought he was playing an in game mission xD

  4. 1 minute ago, scottadges said:

    I like them both for KSP-related stuff, but Matt is more a typical YT game creator with his style of videos, whereas Mr. Manley does a lot more broad science and space-related stuff. I think Matt takes more creative changes with his various series.

    Scott Manley's channel in the last few years has a LOT less KSP actual gameplay, but his KSP videos from 3 or 4 years ago are honestly practically required viewing if you want to learn how to play KSP well.

    Matt is good for entertainment, Scott is good for tutorials

  5. Hello, I enjoy playing ksp, but I really wanted the graphics to be better so I tried to install SVE (with the textures) and the game didn't even notice it, then I tried to install EVE with configs, and this time, it actually noticed the mod, but still said it required configs. For now I've just been running with scatterer, but it would be very useful If someone could show me how to get any graphics mod with clouds, city lights etc, to work. Thanks :)

    (Sorry if this has already been answered)

  6. Hello, could anyone help me about the fact that my engine flames and smoke graphics are not appearing all the time when I fly a ship. The only mods I have installed are Scatterer and kerbal engineer (I would have SVE or EVE but I can't figure out how to get them to work). In SSTOs and usual rockets, my engine fire and smoke aesthetics don't appear all the time. Sometimes my screen goes white when I activate my kerbal's eva lights. Does anyone have this issue, and does anyone also know how to fix this glitch?

  7. 3 hours ago, Mars-Bound Hokie said:

    I can rescue Bob and Val easily.


    I mean, I have a lander that's able to take THREE people to the Mun AND Minmus before returning to Kerbin - it's just not Apollo-style. If that's unacceptable, I just need to modify the craft design to have an orbiter waiting in Minmus orbit and then rendezvous the lander with that orbiter when it's time to return.

    • Honestly, @PlatinumBlast, I don't even think Apollo-Style is necessary.
    • Is the design in the embedded video okay ? It may not be Apollo-Style, but I guarantee you it will get the job done.


    As for the mission time, we'll have to assume that the lander is carrying the necessary resources to last the crew for the trip home. I mean, COME ON, you have to be dumb NOT to load that. Additionally, @PlatinumBlast did not specifically mention that the entire mission (to AND from Minmus) had to last ten days total. I can get to Minmus in way less than that, but once I reach Bob and Val in the Midlands they should be good for the trip back - even if the total mission time takes me more than ten days.

    Well, since I've already let some people get away with it, I'm just going to say that whoever reads this post DOES NOT have to use Apollo Style, although, please ask if you would like to try this challenge with an SSTO :)

  8. On 11/30/2018 at 9:11 PM, dire said:

    Do you have a save file for your crash site? And are you interested in an SSTO, or will only an apollo-style mission do?

    Honestly the additional delta-V for landing and taking off on Minmus is small enough that the extra complexity of a separate lander, ascent and return vehicle are usually not worth it. You really don't need that much and unless you crashed them in some hard-to-reach place they can literally jetpack into orbit and meet with a return craft there.

    I will be happy to make an exception if you really want to use an SSTO

  9. On 12/2/2018 at 12:46 PM, Geonovast said:

    I don't think there's any lightning on Minmus.

    @PlatinumBlast typically with something like this, you should set up the scenario in a save file, then share the file.  Otherwise the challenge is basically "Land on Minmus before the timer dings"

    Also, welcome aboard!

    Thanks for telling me this, I will remember that! :D

    Hi guys, thanks for trying out this challenge, even without my save file. It was cool to see the way you did things, and @Starwaster great idea, I will remember that tactic xD

    Also, thanks, @purpleivan and @direfor showing me of how you did my challenge, and I also thank everybody who either read, or even tried out my challenge. 

  10. On a peaceful mission to Minmus, the landing went wrong when the flight systems failed, and they crashed in the Midlands Biome. They are now stranded, starving, and thirsty... It is a matter of time before they die... 

    You must use an Apollo Style spacecraft, and save them (find them on any Midlands Biome area)

    The mission cannot be over ten days long, (just in case you do do that) as they will have starved by then

    You also must have a way of proving that you did it


    Good luck :)

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