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Everything posted by OrtwinS

  1. Damn lazy kerbals. Installing a new SCANsat senor array on a nearly finished Moho probe would cause me to miss my launch window. PS, not a complaint, I love the mod. PPS, it doesn't play nice with procedural fairings though. Editing a vessel with fairings costs a great deal of progress even without editing, probably because PF recalculates (and reapplies?) the fairings... (wich KCT picks up as a change)
  2. Pretty picture . Though because of your use of comic sans there will be no Rep for you. OK, OK, there will be, this time...
  3. Tuesdays, but Modding mondays and video Wednesdays share the second place. Don't care much about Thursdays since twitch doesn't play on mobile, and it's often tedious to watch on PC (I rather play when I'm PC)
  4. 1) Install Kerbal Engineer, it'll provide you with per stage dv information 2) Keep this map close by: http://www.kingtiger.co.uk/kingtiger/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/KerbinDeltaVMap.png just add up the numbers for your chosen location. From low Kerbin orbit to low Duna orbit you need about 1430 m/s dv for example. It is NOT exact, but it is a good indication (I suggest adding 50% extra dv, for reassurance) 3) Use something like Kerbal Alarm Clock or Protractor to figure out when to launch to Duna, I recommend KAC because it'll also allow you to add alarms at SOI changes and such, so you don't accidentally miss you injection burn . 3) Build unmanned probe missions first. Nobody in his right mind drops manned missions on the first go. We send robots. 4) Quicksave, use it, love it. There is no shame in it. Alt+F5 even allows you to name them and Alt+F9 allows you to load a specific save.
  5. I still remember, and cherish the feeling of pushing the Pe node just above 70 km. Welcome.
  6. It's rushed, it's madness, you have a beta community, PLEASE USE IT. The media backlash for backtracking on your '1.0 imminent'-declaration is preferable to the media + community backlash for going through with the current course of action.
  7. This has a significantly darker tone than most fanfics. Bad economics, educated kerbals who still can't get a decent job and have to work in mines to make a living, desperate souls risking all in an attempt to just 'get away' from their current misery. This creates an abundance of possibilities. I like it. Novel spin on the Kerman name too. I'll stick.
  8. Have we been visited by Kerbals? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/mystery-goo-in-california-killing-hundreds-of-birds/ 'Enjoy'
  9. I don't know how many hours I clocked pre-steam, and last year Steam decided to reset ALL my game timers... I don't even know how much I paid for it, it was a week before we got multi-vessel persistance . I remember my first rendevous and 'docking' (clamping on a small side-attacked fuel tank with those primitive landing legs). It was extremely wobbly, time accel not recommended.
  10. Hi pontus_p, welcome! Since no-one has suggested it already: use Kerbal Alarm Clock for 'warp-to' functionality, it adds little fast-forward buttons in the map view at crucial orbit points such as Ap, Pe, An, Dn, and SOI-changes, click it and it auto-warps at best speed. It returns to 1x a few minutes before the actual point, to allow for manual fine tuning and/or manoeuvre node execution. KAC: Kerbal Alarm Clock For the orbital direction, try hovering your cursor over the Pe-Ap nodes, and look at the time. For interplanetary SOI intersect direction, look at where it says '[planet]-escape', that is the exit point. PS, forum tip: click the little star on the bottom left of someone's post whenever you find that particular post useful.
  11. I find 1-star pilots quite useful for powered landing. Point 'm retrogate, and focus on the throttle, no need to worry about decent-translation pitch. (Just DON'T accidentally ascent... ) Aim at node is useful too, Kerbals are more precise than I am , allowing me to execute manoeuvres faster. EVA should also be give some XP. It can be used to differentiate between jobs! Take surface sample for Scientists Repair EVA for Engineers (can be done in space) Plant flag for Pilots (because that is what they do...?) Since we don't want to have to break something on purpose for the Engineer to get his XP I propose to introduction of a third EVA action, maybe something like 'construct parabolic mirror' (like they did with one of the Apollo's), or some other actual useful task.
  12. This. And ofcourse there should be additional perks for 4- and 5-star Kerbals, though I can imagine those are reserved for not-yet-finished features, or perhaps for modders (5-star pilot = mechjeb-like abilities, for example)
  13. I killed the Holy Trinity (Jeb, Bill and Bob) by ending their mission in the observatory. It was an accident. I deleted the save and started over.
  14. I started using FAR, building a stable plane turns out to be quite a challenge. Both survey missions I accepted in the early game haven't been completed yet ( ). My program is funded through satellite missions now.
  15. There are two ways to create mystery goo. The centuries old traditional way, which involves a deceased Kerbal, a ritual fermenting coffin and some holy spores. And the speedier modern industrialized process, which uses a Kerbal who didn't read the fine print of his contract, a large blender and some artificial flavour additives. Of course educated Kerbals can tell the difference between the 'real deal' and the cheap substitute product by smell.
  16. KSK, judging from the up-gradable buildings WIP pictures it looks like your fanfic is becoming canon .
  17. The requested ranges are a bit small eh? I think you can easily triple them. 2500 km isn't much for a supersonic bomber.
  18. Phew, shivers down my back. Scary, in the way change can be after millennia of being stationary (on Kerman-Kerm interaction development).
  19. Another thread to consider is mono-culture. Kerm seem have the ability to turn almost any soil into grove-approved agriculture soil. If Kerbin is indeed short on space, and even the leftover bits are turned into groves it'll be over for all other biomes. No more tundra, rainforest, savanna, grasslands, or even deserts. All Groves in a tight-packed circle pattern. I'll be the death of biodiversity. And eventually be the death of the Groves themselves. Mono-cultures are unstable and very susceptible for disease.
  20. NASA officially gifted this old observation probe to a group of civillian scientists! People found out it is still working, and it is believed there is still enough fuel to alter its orbit so it can stick closer to earth. Since NASA scrapped the communication equipment for this 36 year gem some time ago they are now scrambling to get the the required tech together . ISEE-3 spend the first few years of its active service at Earths L1 point, and was later sent into heliocentric orbit. ISEE-3 catching up with Earth: The first goal of the ISEE-3 Reboot Project is to return it to the L1 point again. After that they want to reactivate the probes instruments. Sources: NASA - NASA signs agreement with citizen scientists attempting to communicate with old spacecraft The Register - Space hackers prepare to reactivate antiquated spacecraft The Guardian - Waking up ISEE-3 SpaceRef - NASA Signs Agreement with Citizen Scientists Attempting to Communicate with Old Spacecraft [ Dutch ] NASA schenkt amateurs satelliet About ISEE-3: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?MCode=ISEEICE About the Project: http://spacecollege.org/isee3/ I know that this plan is slightly old news, but now it's officially approved . ALERT! Only 40 hours left if you want back this project: http://www.rockethub.com/42228 (They need abut 25k USD more to buy some com-time from NASA's Deep Space network)
  21. This story turned into dark-horror for a few moments. I'm Glad the solution will include/require the 'light, simple and safe' blasting of high-tech equipment into hostile alien environments using explosive mixtures that are counted by the tonne. Also, KIS got overtaken by Rockomax on professionalism. We saw this coming but it still hurts.
  22. Permadeath on here as well. I killed Bill on the Mun. It was an extremely embarrassing mistake and remembering still makes scream inside. I should land a class E rock at KSC as a memorial...
  23. I have been ignoring the G-meter for as long as I play (stock), since it has no effect on gameplay. I wish it would though. And I'd love to see life-support requirements as well... Until further notice I just regard Kerbals as extreme-G tolerant, feeding of sunlight and capable of entering indefinite stasis to cope with being locked up in an MK1 pod from Kerbin to Jool and back.
  24. Just KSA, Kerbal Space Agency, but it has nothing to do with anyone else. It is just the name I use to refer to the Kerbals who run the Kerbal Space Program when I write my vehicle descriptions.
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