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  1. @Aelfhe1m Works perfectly thanks a lot, good point about the surface sample though. Maybe I'll change that or just make the minimum transmission rate a little higher, doesn't need to be exactly zero I suppose. Either way thanks for the help.
  2. Hello I am trying to edit this mod Science - Full Transmit @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[*]&#xmitDataScalar[<1]]] { @MODULE:HAS[#experimentID[*]&#xmitDataScalar[<1]] { // For each Module with an experimentID and a transmit penalty, adjust xmitDataScalar to eliminate the penalty. @xmitDataScalar = 1.0 } } It looks like it just takes any xmitDataScalar that's less than 1 and makes it 1, what I'd like to do is only apply this to experiments with an xmitDataScalar that's less than 1 AND greater than 0, that way it doesn't affect experiments that can't be transmitted at all like surface samples. Is there any way to do a double inequality like that? I couldn't find anything about it on the module manager wiki.
  3. Well... I tried your fix and it unfortunately didn't work so I decided to look in the log files like you suggested and while doing so discovered that I had made the stupidest possible mistake and accidentally saved the patch as a .txt and not as a .cfg, I could have sworn I already checked and made sure I didn't do that! Anyway it works now, thanks for all your help.
  4. Not sure I understand what you mean, I tried this; @MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { @scienceValueRatio = 1 } And it didn't work, then I tried this; @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]] { @MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { @scienceValueRatio = 1 } } And that didn't work either.
  5. Hello I am trying to write a module manager patch to change the "scienceValueRatio" line included on some of the BDB science experiment parts to always be 1 so that the full science value is received (mostly because having a bunch of "incomplete" experiments in the archive bugs me, I plan on turning science rewards down to balance it out) but I can't seem to get it to work, here's what I've got; @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]] { @scienceValueRatio = 1 } This is my first time trying to write a module manager patch so any help is appreciated, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.
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