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Everything posted by CS30

  1. I am using TAC Life Support, that must be the problem then...I took a look at the patch you linked and I'm clueless lol I'm on Mac, where should I copy and paste that? Thanks
  2. Hi, I downloaded this mod a couple weeks ago and I love it, but I'm playing career mode and when I try to transmit processed science from the Fate deep space lab, it uploads and everything but doesn't give me the actual science. It shows the progress percentage and gives me a message when it's done but not the message telling me it's added the science. I have two of the stock processing labs on the same station and those work fine, so I've ruled out the issue being the antenna and/or connection. Apologies if this is an issue that has already been noted and solved. Thanks
  3. How do you flatten the ground in 1.4.5? I can't figure it out. I don't know where to go.
  4. It should still work on 1.4.3 though, right? If it doesn't, what buttons do you push for it to work in 1.4.5?
  5. How does the ground flattening thing work in 1.4.3?
  6. The mod still isn't working for me. I have 1.4.3 and only the prop engines and one cockpit. Someone suggested that the problem is the folder structure in game data, but I don't know what that means.
  7. It still doesn't work. I have these mods in my game data. Squad PhysicsRangeExtender ModuleManager-3 BDArmory VesselMover KerbalKonstructs KerbinSideRemastered WorldStabilizer QuizTechAeroContinued KerbinSide ModuleManager-Master ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree 000_ClickThroughBlocker 001_ToolbarControl LackMisc RCSBuildAid SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY-Lifters MechJeb2 B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings Airplane_Plus-22 Firespitter
  8. I have a big problem, and I'm very confused. I've tried deleting and re-downloading the mod several times, but it still won't work. I'm using 1.4.3. When I load the game, only the propeller engines show up and one cockpit. Help!
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