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Everything posted by VoidCosmos

  1. What's up with the forum UI?

    1. Mikenike


      Changes have been made. some major UI changes, everything else is fine. just some optimizations, and some color changes to make it pop.

    2. VoidCosmos
  2. I am losing interest in KSP. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VoidCosmos


      I really feel sad to say this but,


      I may leave the Forum and KSP if this persists


    3. Dman979


      It happens. I haven't played KSP in a long time. I'm here now because I love this community, not because I play KSP all the time. It's OK. We've all taken breaks from a game before. :)

    4. VoidCosmos


      Thanks for helping me get back the lost interest everyone

  3. Yes. I am alive. Heard some rumours that I have left the forum. They are completely false.

  4. So I am back too. Let's start on 17th August? Who is gonna make the transfer vehicle?
  5. What multiplayer? And @HansonKerman and @Misguided_Kerbal, whose discord should we go to today?
  6. Not granted I wish I had more members in my discord server
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