Update: I made a Duna with water color/surface map, and if I'd like to know if it's right or not. Also I've been looking into tutorials for Kopernicus, and I honestly just need some help with Kopernicus because I don't quite/really understand the tutorials I've found and watched multiple times.
Hello, I looked on the MKS Lite post, and it said there's now a config option for MKS Lite in the main MKS, but I can't find it.
If someone knows what I'm talking about and could help me out that would be appreciated
So, say you go fast (1000+m/s in ksp), and it's basically reentry but not going down. Is it like that in real life? Or is it just because that's what KSP considers reentry speeds
If i'm going at 2km/s and reentering Kerbin's atmosphere, that much Ablator is going to go quick. Am I supposed to slow my craft down to absurdly low reentry speeds?