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Everything posted by smushanoob

  1. thats pretty sussy but in all seriousness, hope you figure things out irl and get back up to your best work.
  2. no dude xd thats the abbreviation for the mod not dance dance revolution
  3. New Update Gave Dysnomia an atmosphere Tempfixed Verin Untidallylocked Flora Revamped Dysnomia and Flame Remove Serak and Amoss Atmorims Fixed Drin looking like a vacuum on surface Fixed Sahara specularity Fixed Flora having no atmosphere Sorry, guys!
  4. New update notes -Revamped Flame, Dysnomia, Mun, And fate. -Added Beta Korcentus, a black hole close to Helius. (and 4 planets around it!) -Added Helius, a Kerbol forced into its red giant state by the Kraken. -Fixed terrain on many planets -Added custom sunflare -Planning to upload to SpaceDock -Fixed Lava
  5. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/201388-no-bounds-kerbol-switcharoo-extreme-wip/&tab=comments#comment-3947555
  6. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This is what sprouted from what No Bounds planet pack started. None of the original planets are in this mod, but are planned. Interstellar coming soon, too. This takes place before the events of the original No bounds, where the kraken takes over the Kerbol system. The kraken forces Eeloo into Dres, forming a new homeworld for our kerbals. Compatabilities EVE, Scatterer, DOE, and Singularity The Story About 7500 years after the events of stock Kerbal Space Program, The kraken is fed up with annihilating wacky ships. The kraken decides, its time for something... bigger. (lol). The kraken quickly gets to work, bringing the Kerbol system to its knees, destroying Jool in the process. With the new light shed farther, Planet 9 and X, Verin and Tiras. And no, realism is uncared for in this mod. Update Notes The Planets (spoilers!!) *view from Karrun *view from Shwoop DOWNLOADS (if you care) https://spacedock.info/mod/2680/No Bounds: Kerbol Switcharoo
  7. line go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  8. sup i can give u one of my coronas :flushed:
  9. Sorry for the spam lol, but No Bounds will not receive any updates from now on until it is getting the full release. I just dont have time to update both versions and I hope for you all to see the newest version very soon!
  10. Download link temporarily nonfuctional. Updating in progress. Update V0.2: Spaced out orbits, Confirmed compatibility with OPM. Fixed specularity issues. Download link restored.
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