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Shawn Kerman

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Everything posted by Shawn Kerman

  1. uh.... 32k clouds? your gonna put my computer in a coma. Also I learned how can turn HDD space into RAM YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2. @Brixmon Your bug should've been fixed in this update: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vrlwqevspp1oa8e/XPCR-1.1.1.zip?dl=0
  3. @UranianBlue I'm going to make a mod that adds dwarf planets past Neptune or plock in ksp. I you want I can maintain this mod if you've abandoned Dwarf planets plus.
  4. Ok I'll look into that I get an issue like that when I tab from duna-ike I t goes to eeloo-alu. @sergioga99 Spacedock is currently down that the link is here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2136/XPC Revived when it comes bakc up and yes it's compatible with 1.7.0 and @Heirloom I'd be happy if you can do eve configs for Mios and richell. If you want more info come to https://discord.gg/zjBASg please
  5. Hello, this is a revival/ merging mod for a bunch of discontinued planet packs that lot's of people loved. The working download will not be here for a while, so please wait patiently for an update on how everything is working. It is technically called a pre alpha stage because I just started it. Planets packs that I might revive/include: (non of these are guaranteed to be included, because these all work in 1.7x) Arkas, aspelicus, Cavran chani. Anoughter reason it might not be done is because I'm one of the devs for XPCR and we are still doing updates for it.
  6. We are working on scatter configs at the moment, as for EVE they are SUPER hard to config so that will wait @Sky The Heck
  7. When will this ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL THING be realseased?
  8. I will test the mod for 1.6.1 to 1. Use it for OPM, and 2. Check for bugs on 1.6.1 and kopernicus 1.6.1-2
  9. few questions: 1. Is the thread and/or mod dead? 2. Can I modify the cfg. to get duna back in and change the inclination of Cavran? 3. Is this mod compatible with 1.6.1-2 for kopernicus?
  10. Do the links above not work? I'll be happy to repost them ( the logs were when I was using MFi, module manager 3.1.1, kopernicus 1.5.1-1 and ksp 1.5.1) http://www.mediafire.com/folder/g7l4bd0038bgmjw,pbby5sch05pcws6,rt9aoh6v7s5vlj9/shared
  11. For me in the log it gives out the error of: [ERR 20:25:44.297] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'Kopernicus': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 when I get that error kopernicus doesn't load anything..
  12. I've been having an issue where kopernicus doesn't load: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13CUwt-9j8d06-KsTgj5IrQzBHMIycup0, https://drive.google.com/open?id=145BkDtROA0NzvIsQ7Beb3z4feABNlNBn, https://drive.google.com/open?id=190y02-ISi8WWINM3wIKQObFBb-k6gjSK It says kopernicus just won't start... and isn't loading files. Their is only planet packs MFI and kopernicus itself in the game-data. Anyone able to respond to wait or to say how to fix it. because I can be patient.
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