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Everything posted by Redacted

  1. Didnt have a log as my screen was black. Had to kill KSP and then verify the base files. When i tried a second time same result. Dropping the mod, everything loaded up fine.
  2. @peteletroll Could you add an indicator / marker showing the orientation of the docking port while its selected? Example: Its home position vs its current position. This would help properly align objects both in the VAB and orbit. Thank you in advance! Redacted
  3. Well thats just it, things will get rotated and figuring it out after the fact is tedious. A simple scripted marker showing an objects forward facing would make construction much easier.
  4. @Nertea Love your mods and have most all of them installed. One minor issue however... Whenever i use one of the command module such as the PPD-8 "Wharf" station core, I have one hell of a time figuring out which way is forwards, Granted the PPD-8 has windows but often their locations don't reflect in the ship or stations behavior. Case in point, I build up an add-on for an existing station and attempt to launch it from the pad. Only to discover that for the Navball Up is now Down. Worse yet once in orbit the crafts orientation can be off by 90 degrees CW / CCW. Which makes it pretty difficult to maneuver or line up for Nav-points . Obviously via trial and error I was able to sort most of this out. Yet this makes me think that there should be some form of markings denoting the facing of each object. *** This would be especially helpful for Docking ports *** Thanks in advance! -Redacted
  5. Hello, I have version of this mod and have discovered that the exterior "window" lights of one of the Labs (MPL-CC-2) does not function.
  6. Using the TAB focus, I was able to get the Pe down to 17km for just aprox 1000 m/s in fuel. On the final approach past the Muns orbit, the little ship burned all avalible m/s to slow down from 4500. (1500 m/s Argon and half the RCS) Re-entry speed was just over 3300 m/s and quickly bleed off thanks to the heat shield and ships low mass. All in all, its a great little solar rescue ship for under 100k, even if the mission did take 19 years.
  7. In that pic i was able to perform a coarse correction closer to the SOI. I discovered that, when 1-2 days out, its possible to see the predicted Pe beyond 84,159.3 Km. However because i was already so near, the ship ran out of Argon / Mono propellant before the correction finished. What is shown in that image was the result after i Warped ahead to view the outcome. Side note: I’m using a 2-man capsule with Hall-Effect thrusters. Where as the Argon tanks are held behind the engine(s) and thus can be safely staged. (15 tanks, arranged 5 long, in three columns around a center spar) This arrangement adds a small bit of DV during the staging which is nice. During launch, I’ve enough M/S to easily break from Kerbins SOI just using the first stage. Whole setup cost about 100k to build, which is dirt cheap considering the ships performance. If not for the poor node resolution, I’d of already made it back to Kerbin with fuel to spare.
  8. Here is the closet I've come thus far. It's still 6 times the Muns orbit and doesn't do much except deflect the trajectory. Unfortunately, the Kerb-Pe isn't shown until about a day or so out from Kerbin's SOI. Will try again after i pick up my kids. Thank you!
  9. Thats just it... I cant adjust in finer than 84,159.3 km, even on a mid coarse correction. Once the SOI has been reached, it wont calculate for anything inside it until I reach the SOI. At which point it's too late.
  10. No matter what I try I can't get the solar-approach to Kerbal to focus in more than 84,159.3 km. Which is really frustrating considering that is 7-8 times the distance of Kerbal from it's moon. Ideally I'd like to shoot into the upper atmosphere (Aerobrake) to avoid overshooting Kerbal. Otherwise I'll need over 5000 m/s in fuel to brute-force a coarse correction. Any ideas how I can get this done? Thanks in advance! Redacted
  11. @Nertea Recently gave the Hall-Effect RCS thrusters (SPZ-5167) a try only to discover that they were not responsive. I've plenty of Argon fuel and have RCS mode enabled for all three Thrusters. Is it that the Thrusters need a fuel pipe to be effective? Note: In the picture below, I've the Argon tanks staged to break off three at a time as the fuel is used up. The all the tanks are set around Cubic-Family-Medium-Struts set to Triangular. The idea here is that the Thrusters are lighter that the "Gyro-1" and thus are ideal for a light, long ranged ship. Edit: Discovered that I have the Thrusters mounted backwards! Cheers! Redacted
  12. @Nertea Love your work! Any chance of there being Linear Aerospike(s) or some hybrid system added in future updates? -Redacted
  13. From what i understand, the KSP NERV functions very much like a Solid-Core Nuclear (Uranium) thermal rocket and thus has all of it's limitations as well. (primarily weight) Wouldn't a Liquid-Core Thermal engine using Thorium be "simpler" and thus be potentially lighter while having a higher specific impulse? Furthermore, the current NERV design is a closed-cycle engine requiring additional reactive material (liquid-fuel) to produce thrust. Yet, In the 1950's there was a U.S. program to develop a nuclear powered bomber testing both a Direct and Indirect "Air" cycles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair_NB-36 This capability meant that the Bomber could theoretically fly as long as it's Nuclear fuel source produced heat. (5-10 yrs) However, the biggest problem program encountered was the extreme weight of the Reactor and it's associated radiation shielding made flight pretty much impossible. The Soviet's program was only able to get off the ground by sacrificing the shielding needed to protect the crew from Radiation exposure. (Yes they all died) All that being said I'd think a Thorium based open-cycle engine should be possible. Your suggestions and creative comments are welcome. 1SB
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