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  1. Am I missing a mod for the plumes to show up correctly? https://imgur.com/a/spacetux-industries-recycled-parts-plumes-lfjr0op
  2. Does anyone know what causes these graphic errors? Texture of 1.25m Z-1K battery looks glitched. Green lights of 0.625m reaction wheel would fit for 1.25m. 2 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7Fwzs0u Mods Installed: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/781vhvnjvobqrcq35sf98/modlist_30102024.txt?rlkey=7zfmv65ynf0194bv628gbk6a0&st=peurmqqa&dl=0 + Mouse Aim Flight 1.1.3 + TURD v0_3_12 + Parallax Continued + Volumetric Clouds Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ngx5rk78na2l38ty1n2n9/Player.log?rlkey=4pcnlxbs6g4y8k9ls38ynvvtp&st=524vqzra&dl=0
  3. Oh yes! Are Communotrons also included in CommNext? Please tell me it is compatible with Orbital Survey.
  4. If you are not happy with the skybox, maybe these can help: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8kxxrcdaa1fpjz/skyboxes.zip?dl=0 its been a while i tested them, but they should be compatible with 1.8.1.
  5. Thank you for updating this mod. Just feels better to have a grid for alignment
  6. Yes, Re-Stock and Re-Stock+. The patch helped out. Thank you very much kind sir.
  7. Got the same issue. Happens only to stock (Squad) antennae.
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