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Everything posted by HansAcker

  1. KJR caused much more wobbly disruption than it prevented in my (limited) experience. Maybe it was useful in earlier versions but I wouldn't recommend it anymore. I only autostrut launch vehicles across docking ports and side boosters. It helps much more to figure out where your station mass is concentrated and not to put heavy tanks far out to the sides, connected by normal docking ports. Such constructions always begin to swing and detach. I built (and launched :) this massive 5kt fuel bunker built from 3x3x2x S4-512 tanks, interconnected by large docking ports. It doesn't have autostruts and is very stable even if very laggy. Time doesn't move fast within its spacetime bubble: After I installed KJR, the station suddenly would begin to wobble itself apart and explode into a cloud of debris every time I approached it and came within physics range. I guess KJR doesn't deal well with all the docked connections. It's not a nice part tree.
  2. That DeployResource requirement got me, too. Here's my MM patch to undo:
  3. Hi Allista. Great updates, thank you! I have encountered one small issue. When the mouse cursor is below the workshop window (outside the window frame), keys pressed are ignored by KSP. If the cursor is above the window, keys are handled by KSP as expected. Maybe GC is grabbing focus outside of its own window?
  4. I tried to build a wheel driven by a pendulum connected to a clockwise ratcheted unmotorised bearing but the whole contraption keeps disintegrating under extreme forces ("Most Gee Force Endured: 3630.8G"). The effects also seem to depend on which part is the root part Here's a screenshot of a simplified construction. Sometimes it blows up, sometimes it doesn't. (craft file: https://pastebin.com/raw/kR4bcdKW) Am I doing it wrong or just over-torquing the ratchets? I can't figure out how to stabilise the bearings.
  5. Wouldn't this also affect all other crafts in the universe or is the effect constrained to the local physics bubble? I had some luck recovering tipped-over Minmus rockets by activating RCS and telling SAS to hold surface radial-out. The craft would need some thrusters near the top for that to work.
  6. That sounds to me as if you docked the container backwards, so it will expand into the ship. I seem to remember that it's easy to confuse the "transport" and "construction" ports on a kit. The construction port needs to be docked to the construction vessel. It's also facing inwards which makes it more difficult if you're used to select "control from" the port to be docked.
  7. I recently ran into the same issue when syncing saves between computers. Switching between KopernicusSolarPanel and ModuleDeployableSolarPanel causes deployed panels to revert to their retracted state. If you don't need to draw power from multiple stars, you can disable the Kopernicus module with this MM patch: To fix a save I just replaced all "KopernicusSolarPanel" with "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" and changed "deployState = RETRACTED" to "EXTENDED" where necessary,
  8. With all mods removed except for SSPXr, TacLS and their dependencies, background processing seem to happen normally. I only have a handful of other mods installed, maybe one of them does its own things in the background. I'll investigate and restart KSP over and over and over again until I find the culprit :-) Edit: well, that was quick. One of my own experimental patches springs a leak, even though the "Water Shunt" isn't enabled. I had added this converter because my greenhouse simulations were running out of WasteWater. I made a test craft with just a habitat and a water tank. If I start any of the converters and go back to the tracking station, the tanks are losing days worth of water within seconds. I don't really understand why it's happening. At least I know how to stop it :-)
  9. Thank you for your work! I have some troubles with the new TacGenericConvertor background processing. My space station built with SSPXr is leaking large amounts of water in the background (no time-warp) if any of its life-support converters are active, even those that don't consume water (carbon extractor, water purifier). The active vessel, however, does not lose any water, the purifier even regenerates some of it. It doesn't seem to appear with the Tac-Recyclers, although I didn't get to do much testing, yet. I don't see anything in SSPXr's MM patches that looks out of order. I'd guess it might have something to do with how "DumpExcess" is handled in background, e.g. the water splitter continues to consume water if all oxygen tanks are full? I tried to get my head around how UnloadedResourceProcessing RequestResource() handles those but didn't quite get how the overflow works.
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