Thank you for your work!
I have some troubles with the new TacGenericConvertor background processing.
My space station built with SSPXr is leaking large amounts of water in the background (no time-warp) if any of its life-support converters are active, even those that don't consume water (carbon extractor, water purifier). The active vessel, however, does not lose any water, the purifier even regenerates some of it.
It doesn't seem to appear with the Tac-Recyclers, although I didn't get to do much testing, yet. I don't see anything in SSPXr's MM patches that looks out of order.
I'd guess it might have something to do with how "DumpExcess" is handled in background, e.g. the water splitter continues to consume water if all oxygen tanks are full? I tried to get my head around how UnloadedResourceProcessing RequestResource() handles those but didn't quite get how the overflow works.