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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Meh. All the army cadets have are parachutes
  2. 34 bottles of beer on the wall 34 bottles of beer! take one down EAT THE GLASS 33 bottles of beer on the wall!
  3. And add another 30 minutes from all the mods you have on there
  4. When you study the heck into Star Wars lore and all that other stuff.
  5. Living near Vancouver you gonna see a lot of Q400 (the Q stands for quite but that’s not true if you have ever been on one ). Photo by me in September 2020 at CYVR: The dash 7 is also really cool. My brother was lucky enough to go on one in 2019 from CYXX-CYVR during the air show in Abbotsford. Lots of engines equals a very short take off roll (about 9 seconds when light on fuel for the super short hop between CYXX-CYVR).
  6. My friends are always asking if we get to fly F-18s. I have to break out the unfortunate news that we mostly fly single engine pistons and gliders… @BuranAce what about this beautiful bird? The good ‘ol Cessna 182!
  7. “50% of the word Canada is the letter A”
  8. I think the A-7D Corsair II is a cool plane.
  9. I was going to take the Aerospace course until I realized my LHQ was holding non-overnight marksmanship, which I choose. I am currently a F/Cpl
  10. I though that was dynamite Happy Birthday! (mine is in October)
  11. Which squadron where you in? I am at 147 RCACS (my friends in 1725 (our local army cadets Corp) are always bragging how army is better. They say how they get to use C4 (there a engineer corps) so I simply reply: we get to fly!)
  12. We don’t have much of a Canadian accent here near Vancouver on the west coast.
  13. yes it goes to soup planet. Waiter! Where is ma super soup?
  14. Some people are saying planes they would want to fly. So here: The Harvard is such a cool trainer. That engine gives off such a good sound! I would also enjoy playing the 737-200. I know the 737-800 pretty well so the 200 is the same just more analog.
  15. Meanwhile in Bill Kerman’s backyard:
  16. Stormpilot

    Random facts

    The following RAF squadrons we’re Canadian during WW2: 405 408 415 419 420 424 426 and many more…
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