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  1. I know it's been a while but I just want to say thanks for posting this. It's still very much a problem in the latest version and it's been driving me nuts while doing resupply runs for my Mun station. Staying away from the maneuver node panel seems like a solid fix for now. I'm wondering now if it's possible to bypass the game's broken rendezvous math and replace it with that of KER or some other mod. There were mods that fulfilled that same functionality long before it was added to base game, after all. And they didn't have this issue.
  2. Please disregard my bug report, the issue is not caused solely by this mod but by some sort of interaction between it and the post-processing mod KS3P. Sorry for wasting your time here, I should have checked it beforehand. And thanks again for all your work. For those using this mod along with KS3P and experiencing weird stuff in VAB/SPH, make sure the DOF effect is disabled in your VAB/SPH presets.
  3. All it takes to trigger the issue is to click the mod's button to change lighting. After that any further edits, like moving parts around and sometimes adding new ones, will show those weird artifacts around any attachable nodes. Switching between VAB and SPH does not fix it, but exiting to KSC and getting back to either editor does. The simplest test I can think of is to add a MK1 parachute to a a MK1 capsule after toggling the lights out, you will see it sure enough. Parts that are only surface attachable will not show the artifacts since the attachable nodes will not be highlighted. That's my guess, at any rate. I was using the parts mod "Restock" when I originally tested this, and thought it might be the culprit. But I have since tested with stock parts and the issue persists.
  4. Thanks, this is a great and essential mod for station work. Just a small bug, which goes away after exiting and reentering the VAB/SPH: https://clips.twitch.tv/OnerousExcitedStingrayBCouch-FM-GiqPL2JihjHHx Installed through CKAN on latest game version.
  5. Is this the bug you guys were talking about? https://clips.twitch.tv/EnjoyableSplendidAlfalfaPastaThat-oOSEHcBKX-EB-M1y Whenever I enter time warp while orienting to target I get this weird, instant snapping to a different rotation. Happens every time with the mod installed.
  6. If I am playing with just Restock and Waterfall, should I get both the Restock and Stock configs for Waterfall or just the Restock ones? Thanks.
  7. After a long time and now that things seem to be settling down, I'm looking to start a new career save with all my favorite mods. Everything is ready to go except for EVAFuel which does not currently work with any versions beyond 1.10. I've not been following all the latest developments in the KSP modding community, so I wanted to ask here if this mod has been superseded by something I might be unfamiliar with. Or is it just not that popular of a mod, anymore? Anyway, thanks for your time.
  8. I think it was working fine in 1.10, but perhaps not. Don't keep different versions of the game so I can't easily verify if that was the case, sorry.
  9. I'm having an issue in KSP 1.11, where the monoprop is removed from the tanks when a kerbal goes outside but not added back when the kerbal returns. So, as an example, if you have 10 monoprop in the Mk1 Pod and just step outside and back quickly 2 times in a row, you are left with 0 monoprop.
  10. Small issue - if you use the rename feature of Tracking Station Evolved on a flag, it will change its type (by default to Base) and there's no way to change it back to flag without editing the save file.
  11. I just noticed the same antennae part (HG-5 High Gain Antenna) is causing way, way more drag with restock installed compared to stock. Enclosing it with a fairing (AE-FF1 Airstream Protective Shell) is also apparently not working correctly with this mod installed - it does not eliminate its drag, while it works perfectly with stock. Is this a known issue? I glanced at the issues page and didn't see it there. Stock: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/802761730?t=0h52m4s Restock: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/802761730?t=0h59m49s
  12. Sorry, I've not been following this thread carefully but was wondering - have there been any regressions in regards to AA quality since last year? I'm noticing lots of jaggies on the horizon when using MSAA, but I remember it being completely clean before. Edit: Nevermind, the issue was being caused by the ambient occlusion module of KS3P. It's still a new behavior that wasn't there before, but not a bug with Scatterer per se.
  13. That puts my mind at ease. I suppose it's also a useful feature for those that play with Restock+ for a time and then purchase Making History later on their career save. Their crafts won't break this way, which is nice and considerate of you. Cheers!
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