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Everything posted by Figa

  1. Hello!

    Can you give me exactly your KSP version and the mods versions you use?  Better if you can send me a copy of your mods by email it will be very nice!..    

    my email:  jean-olivier.nivaggioli@wanadoo.fr


    Thx if you can..     Thx anyway..  :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gargamel



      Sending the contents of the gamedata to another person is considered piracy.   There are assets in that folder that belong to Squad, and even though the recipient might have legally purchased KSP, copyright laws forbid the transfer of these assets.   So, see if there is another way of finding a solution to your issue other than breaking the forum rules and the law.   Thanks for understanding. 


    3. Figa


      @ Thank you anarchopride!

      @Gargamel, really sorry but we dont want to brake any rules or laws,  when i ask for "contents" in the gamedata folder i dont mean any "squad" game folder but only those we can found and download on wiki github  (for exemple).   When i saw the pics from Anarchopride game i was only intersted by the mods.   ( For the KSP  version i can use steam.)  

      I have some difficulty for play KSP with beautifuls textures and planets...    perhaps i am too old for that.. :sealed:


    4. anarchopride


      @Gargamel Thanks for your Info but there was never any intention to send squad property. Figa is about what I have for mods.

      @Figa You're never too old ;-)


  2. Ho, but there are poets here! if they fly as well as they write they are the phoenix of the hosts of these woods!.. Thx Gargamel, i downloaded the mods from theAugustin link. tried to use the correct version.. I need to desinstall KSP and all the mods now and do it again.
  3. Thx for help.. loading seem good, no error message but.. Black screen when we arrive at the end .... (music ok) KSP is ver 1.3.1 . Tried both launching with normal and 64 bit.. any idea?
  4. Hello! Someone can tell me wich version i need to use for playing KSP with the best visuals and Real solar system? I am totaly "losed" with all those KSP versions, updated Mods , dependancies.. , compatibility..... My PC config is nice, i just need some exact links for the mosts beautiful mods (planetary, space, earth...) and perhaps some usefuls mods for orbiting manoeuvers. (sorry for my poor inglish ) Thank you for help!..
  5. I am really in the dark... Does anyone can simply tell me which version of KSP i must use and wich mods and versions i need for a real solar system and the best visuals ? (dont worry about the PC config :)) thank you for help!
  6. At this point i dont really understand wich KSP version i need for playing KSP with Real solar system and the most beautiful textures.... I try from 1.3 to 1.6 versions with the good parameters on CKAN, mods are correctly downloaded in the gamedata folder but... nothing.. RSS do not work.. http://
  7. Hi, I want to play with the most beautiful visual environment (earth, sky and planets ) and the real solar system.. Wich mods do i need and which KSP version i need to load? Thank you for help..
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