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  • About me
    KSP Kerbonaut
  • Location
    Somewhere in the forums, always patrolling for questions
  • Interests
    Ksp, Legos, planes, video games, writing my blog, answering newbies questions, models, Civil Air Patrol, Cross Country, 5ks, flying, Comand and Conquer, trying to get into the AFA for the USAF.

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  1. Hey guys. I have been gone for a long time, like 4 months since I last checked the forums. I feel it has been caused by me playing other games and KSP2 being 6+ months away. I hate that I have been gone, but I have found myself with such little time because of my new favorite game, Rust. I've found it takes a lot of my free time back up, similar to how KSP used to. I got kinda bored with KSP, cause I had gone as far as Eeloo and had maxed out my tech tree. Regardless I felt that I had gone as far as I could. It has been a good run on the forums, and I'm sure I'll be back occasionally, but I feel that unless something happens big (aside from KSP1 development being halted after the next update) then I will most likely be off an on, checking back every once in a while. I will see you guys when I return, my full hiatus has only just begun. God speed and Happy Landings!!!!!

    1. Mikenike


      It has been a tough decision to go, but I'll see ya!

    2. Dirkidirk
    3. Lewie


      Cya ‘round buddy!

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