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  • About me
    KSP Kerbonaut
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    Somewhere in the forums, always patrolling for questions
  • Interests
    Ksp, Legos, planes, video games, writing my blog, answering newbies questions, models, Civil Air Patrol, Cross Country, 5ks, flying, Comand and Conquer, trying to get into the AFA for the USAF.

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  1. I just found out that KSP EE (Console) is at 1.3.1 currently, and  PC is at like 1.8.1. Why is console lagging so far behind, I love KSP, but this is kinda absurd, if SQAUD or K2 or whoever has the rights to KSP doesn’t start work on the console edition earlier, people are going to be super mad, 0.5.0 behind is pretty unacceptable, especially for a good game......

    1. Chel


      It was ported at 1.2, unfortunately this is whats been happening since it was released last year :/ 

    2. Mikenike
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