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Everything posted by ValiZockt

  1. You can download Modular Launchpads here. It will work fine, they maybe won't show up in the VAB but that's because you probably hid them with this step. But for that you can make a simple MM Patch for all Modular Launchpads Parts and with that rescaling it to real life sizes @PART[<insertPartNameHere>]:FINAL { %RSSROConfig = true @rescaleFactor *= 1.7 }
  2. SSTU support stopped way back in 1.3.1. You can find following Note in the Extra-Mods Installation Guide here.
  3. As @Flibble said in the post before you: If you want to play on 1.9, you will have to wait until Kopernicus updates to 1.9.1. There is a really good step by step explanation in the RO Wiki. You can find it here.
  4. Delete everything from the RSSVE Folder except the scatterer configs.
  5. If there are configs for your engines -that arent configured- under GameData/RealismOverhaul/Engine_Configs/<yourengine.cfg> you can look up the enginetype and assign it to your engine with a MM Patch So for example the R-4D-11 Engine Type is "R4D11" found in that <yourengine.cfg> @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[R4D11]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines] And then you can write this MM patch for each engine, that you want to have configured, <PutTheEngineNameInHere> has to be replaced by the part name obviously @PART[<PutTheEngineNameInHere>]:FOR[RealismOverhaul]{ RSSROConfig = True %engineType = R4D11 }
  6. Yesterday a redditor posted this: "RSS, RSSVE, RO and RP-1 appear to work just fine on 1.8.1, against all odds. So far it seems like its fully playable in 1.8.1 with only minor bugs, and the performance is noticeably better. Of course, official updates for 1.8.1 will take time, but work has already started to take advantage of the new features of 1.8.1" -capkirk123 So If you really want to play on 1.8.1 you can. I wouldn't suggest it, first it's not playtested yet, so there will be bugs no one knows yet. Second you wont get any Support if you have problems.
  7. First of all, Kopernics a dependency of all planet packs (including Real Solar System) must be updated. The latest version of Kopernicus is currently for KSP1.7.3. (Kopernicus is version locked, so it won't work in 1.8.x.) Nobody knows when Kopernicus will be released for 1.8.x. So you have to wait, they're already working on it. As soon as Kopernicus gets its update you should be able to switch to 1.8.x without any problems. Photon Sailor is compatible with 1.7.3. You can find old/new versions of FT's Photon Sailor here:
  8. After many failed missions due to engine failures, i actually did it today... a soft lunar landing [RSS/RO/RP-1]
  9. Today i flew a "lunar impact" mission [RSS/RO/RP-1] MECO, Stage Seperation and Second Engines Startups: What a beautiful view!:
  10. Okay, now im very confused, what do you mean with you lost all of your engines. Dont they show up in the VAB? If so, did you change something that was not the case before? (e.g. deleted a mod) Please give us a more detailed description of your (new?) Problem.
  11. Did you try to take another tank, not just the one from your screenshot? (I personally use Procedural Parts or ROTanks for my fuel tanks) If no tank has an "Autofill" button, are you sure that you have installed RealFuels correctly? It would be also very helpful if you can provide us with a image of your GameData folder
  12. No, that's 1.7.3, a few mods I've been using have not been updated to 1.8 yet.
  13. Manually, but with the help of trajectories, shows pretty accurate where my impact point will be.
  14. So today i managed to land my Falcon 9 right on the center of a drone ship
  15. I recently made a Real Fuels Stockalike configuration for the SSTULabs Part Pack, with adjusted mass, thrust, ullage, ignitions. Its not the perfect one, so please tell me, if you find any mistakes, or numbers that doesnt make sense to you! Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1finjhv5ok9zwr8/Stockalike_SSTU.cfg?dl=0 After download just put the Stockalike_SSTU.cfg in the RealFuels-Stockalike Folder (Gamedata\RealFuels-Stockalike)
  16. Found my mistake, have swapped the textures unnoticed. Sorry!
  17. The moon looks a bit strange with a 2.5x Rescale! Mod, i get this strange mosaic pattern. Tried 4k Textures and 8k Textures
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