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Everything posted by ValiZockt

  1. I see, i'll take them out for now. Will have look at these configs this week, but i think it would be better to wait for the big BDB update (that is in development right now?) and i'll update them afterwards.
  2. About: RealFuels-Stock is a set of configs for the Real Fuels Mod intended for Stock or up to 3.2x scaled Systems. It provides real propellant types (all with their pros and cons), limited ignitions and ullage simulation to all engines. It was originally created by Raptor831, but he was last seen more than a year ago, so i decided to adopt RealFuels-Stock and update it to the newest version (Old Thread) Download: GitHub SpaceDock CKAN - Search for "RealFuels-Stock" Dependencies: RealFuels (Forum Thread, GitHub) (CPR, SolverEngines, ModuleManager included in Download) NOTE: You can ignore the "not supported" message, when launching your game. (Optional) RealPlume (Forum Thread, GitHub) NOTE: Do not install RealPlume-Stock, all configs are already included into RealFuels-Stock If you're playing with RealPlume install SmokeScreen (Forum Thread) Supported Mods: ReStock ReStock Plus Bluedog-Design-Bureau (by @Bellabong) Near Future Launch Vehicles Near Future Spacecraft Tantares TantaresLV Cryogenic Engines SDHI Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit reDIRECT Kerbal Atomics (by @TotallyNotHuman ) Kerbal Reusability Expansion Mk-33 Parts Pack Provenance Aerospace KK's SpaceX Pack and more... a list of all mods supported can be found on the Wiki Others: Tundra Exploration (WIP) Changelog: v5.1.0. New: * Bluedog Design Bureau (@Bellabong) * KerbalAtomics (@TotallyNotHuman) Updated: Squad: * Fix Vector (KS-25 Plume) * New auto-generating RCS configs for unconfigured Parts * Move RCS Pass to :FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] * PR: RCS Rebalance (@TotallyNotHuman) * PR: Make LV-1(R) and O-10 pressure fed (@TotallyNotHuman) Restock Plus: * PR: Various Config fixes (Fuel Mixture inconsistencies, new Fuel Configs, Rebalancing) (@TotallyNotHuman) * PR: RCS Configs (@TotallyNotHuman) Tantares/TantaresLV: * PR: Fix Andromeda Engine typo (@Bellabong) NearFutureSpacecraft: * PR: Various fixes (Thrust & Mass Balancing) (@TotallyNotHuman) NearFutureLaunchVehicles: * PR: RCS LFO Configs (@TotallyNotHuman) * PR: Fix Hydrolox Config on RD-701/704 (@TotallyNotHuman) Huge thank you to both @Bellabong & @TotallyNotHuman ------ v5.0.1. Misc * PR: Fix unbalanced brackets (@7ranceaddic7) ------ v5.0.0. New: * Include Parts from 1.10 Update Updated: * Fix too low mass on MK1-3 Pod * Rebalancing Misc * Fix Near Future Launch Vehicles B9PartSwitch Tanks Warnings * Basemass/Drymass now dependent on volume * Added Xenon Tank Conversion ------ v4.2.0. New: * KK SpaceX Pack * Mk33 Pack * Provenance Aerospace Updated: * NearFutureSpacecraft: Integrated Fuel Tanks for OE-25 Engine * Squad: Add new KS-25 Engine Config Variant Misc: * Deleted No-RealPlume-Installed Patch (As suspected there were some issues with it) ------ v4.1.0. New: *Kerbal Reusability Expansion *RealFuels Engine (Coxswain Engine) Updated: Squad * More Ignitions for KR-2L Rhino Engine (2-12) ReStock Plus * More Ignitions for KR10-A Corgi Engine (12) ` Misc: *Add KSP Min & Max Version to .version file *Reduce ElectricCharge Utilization/Density to be inline with Stock Batteries ------ v4.0.0. New Supported Mods: *NearFutureLaunchVehicles *ReStock *ReStockPlus *ShuttleOrbiterConstructionKit *reDIRECT *Tantares *TantaresLV Updated Configs: Squad * Plumes Configs * Fuel Configs * PR: Allow 2 ignitions for RE-I2 (@cartersm) SquadExpansion * Plumes Configs * Fuel Configs CryogenicEngines * Fuel Configs (Update to CryoEngines v1.0.0+) NearFutureSpacecraft * Plumes Configs * Fuel Configs Misc: *Adopted by @ValiZockt *New File Structure *Add Configured Parts Tag *"Resolve" no plumes without RealPlume *PR: Resolve some MM Issues (@blowfishpro) Known Issues Due to replacing the ModuleEngines to ModuleEnginesRF in every RealFuels-Stock Config, the "Stock" Plume thats normaly in that Module get's deleted. Thus RealPlume is highly recommended. When playing with Kerbalism: Engines won't fail despite Part Failures turned on. Kerbalism has no integration in the Reliability Module for the ModuleEnginesRF used by Real Fuels. If you find any issues please report them in this Thread or open a issue on Github. Huge Thank you to: @Raptor831 - for originally creating RealFuels-Stock @ialdabaoth,@NathanKell & @Starwaster - for creating/maintaining Real Fuels @Zorg- for giving me permission to use some of his plumes, maintaining RealPlume & helping me with Plumes @woeller - for playtesting & general feedback This work is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
  3. Sounds like you’re using a Near Earth Avionics, the one that gives you full control over your rocket (pitch, yaw, roll), but for sounding rockets you don’t need full control over your rocket. Try using a Science Avionics, they only give you the ability to stage, which is enough for a sounding rocket.
  4. Be sure to have enough EC. Right now your avionics volume is 100% utilized to avionics tonnage, but not to batteries. Make your avionics a bit bigger (but don’t raise the tonnage), open the fuels menu and select Electric Charge.
  5. All Parts that aren't marked as RO/RP1 Compatible are gonna kicked out with those to folders. "Marking" a part as compatible is pretty easy with a MM Patch: @PART[insertPartNameHere]:FINAL { %RSSROConfig = true %RP0conf = true }
  6. You can do it for yourself but please don’t post it anywhere public, you aren’t helping the devs with that.
  7. Yes, there is this Pull Request about adding the CST-100 Starliner to ROCapsules
  8. Having Breaking Ground installed doesn't do anything, it isn't configured as of now. If you're looking for Robotics you may have a look at Infernal Robotics Mechjeb is working, your fuel tanks are just empty, you will have to fill them with fuel. (click that button above "tool tank")
  9. I can't help you with that B9PartSwitch Error without further information, but F9 and Starship using Methalox is probably because of the Extra_MethaloxEngine.cfg Patch that gets applied if you ether have CryoTanks or/and RationalResources installed
  10. You mean like price per unit? I’m not aware that RFStockalike changes any prices on fuels. For me it makes sense that LqdHydrogen is far cheaper, it’s easier to get and/or produce than these dangerous nasty self igniting chemicals.
  11. Why is it wrong? You didn't made the mod, you just recompiled it, not developed it.
  12. @Peershaul I assume that with SSTO you mean the Mod SSTULabs, SSTU support stopped way back in 1.3.1. Some SSTU parts have negative mass, that’s why you’re stuck at launch. Not recommend to install anymore. ROEngines and ROTanks may have some functions you’re looking for. Also RO 1.6.1 isn’t supported anymore install 1.8.1. according to the guide: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.8.1
  13. I don't think its scatterer related, see .log file: Probably what LGG said.
  14. Im not sure if this helps, i don't know the exact circumstances, but I know there were some issues with Deadly Reentry and RSS/RO/RP1 crashing/freezing before Main Menu. In the RP-1 Installation Guide it states: Go into GameData\DeadlyReentry\Plugins and replace the .dll with this one: <I deleted the link, if im not mistaken its not allowed to post .dll without source code, so please go to https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Installation-for-1.8.1 and scroll down to "Updating Broken Mods"> This is required for now because otherwise current DRE will randomly crash your game before the main menu.
  15. That's the whole point of RO. See what are you trying to do is basically what RO does, it changes engines/tanks/parts to have their IRL, Fuel, Mass, ISP & Scale. The only thing you don't want is that RO scales parts up, right? I'm a bit confused here. There is however another option: SMURFF (not compatible with RealFuels, so Stock LF/OX) it changes just the mass and the thrust of all parts, not their size. As a summary you can't get both. RealFuels is linked to RO.
  16. @Dermeister, why don’t you want to use RO? It’s basically the mod that configures each part to behave like IRL. Without RO no parts will be configured and have only there stock mass/thrust
  17. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/tree/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods
  18. Yes, there was a commit about KIS/KAS compatability ~16 days ago
  19. Deploying three small 300kg CubeSats in a 7,000km x 7,000km Orbit [RSS/RO/RP-1]
  20. Time for some high altitude contracts in a early career [RSS/RO/RP-1]
  21. There is a very very good reason why Kopernicus is version locked, to stop people using Kopernicus in versions that aren't supported by Kopernicus. It isn't just a mod where you "only" have to recompile it, no. Modders spend hours fixing bugs, integrating, for instance, the new Shaders from 1.8./1.9. and Surprise! that takes some time
  22. Your computer is actually pretty good, that shouldn't be a problem. I'm guessing there was something wrong with your installation, loading time depends mostly how many parts mods you've installed. Game startup takes about ~8min for me, that's actually pretty normal. Maybe you should consider trying again, you can follow one of these guides. 1.7.3. is the most stable version, 1.8.1. is a bit experimental for now, but for me it's working great, due to the Unity 2019.2 update in 1.8, performance also got way better.
  23. I'm guessing there is something wrong with your installation and/or your computer isn't powerful to run that much of mods, never had those issues What are your PC specs? Also which version your running?
  24. You can download Modular Launchpads here. It will work fine, they maybe won't show up in the VAB but that's because you probably hid them with this step. But for that you can make a simple MM Patch for all Modular Launchpads Parts and with that rescaling it to real life sizes @PART[<insertPartNameHere>]:FINAL { %RSSROConfig = true @rescaleFactor *= 1.7 }
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