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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. "AMAZING! JUST..AMAZING! It's fast, has a long range, and works with the rule of MOAR BOOSTERS! 10/10 " - Kimbly Kerman. "It's ok. What concerns me though, is that when physics warping, the craft broke in half... 7/10" -Kimon Scowl +Kudos on Yep. a bit boat you got there- You're gonna need a bigger boat Beautiful! That's a good entry right there.
  2. The matrix could be real and I’ll probably never know
  3. Hmm. Very interesting. Our judges are currently reviewing the beautiful craft, we will report back with our results soon.
  4. Well I say that it will be the requirements will be T H I C C
  5. Make an SSTO. Then land it on the Ksc runway. If you play Ksp then yknow how hard it is. Am I being a bit mean
  6. Ahh I see Do what do we do? Design our own car? Then from the posts I’m assuming that we download the course and then race it once it’s done.
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