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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. Banned because I have no idea what you are talking about
  2. Like a Daedalus drive preview? Yeah that would be so cool!
  3. No, that's not crazy enough! When you watch a Matt Lowne video / Scott Manley video / Etc and you try to rotate the camera to get a better viewing angle.
  4. THAT, has got to be, the MOST kerbal ending, I've ever seen.
  5. When a normal conversation goes like this- Friend: Yknow Kim jong un? Me: The fatty that can’t rocket science? Friend: Yes? His rockets and missles seem ok... Me: No? They even accidentally bombed their own city in a failure! And so on.
  6. Hm Very interesting Very interesting indeed
  7. AHH STILL WON'T TAKE OFF Screw that! Time for plan B. I'm (hopefully) goint to take off with rapiers in closed cycle ok so takeoff speed is more then 160 m/s (sigh) time for plan C
  8. The battle plan - Since the Maiden class SSTOs carry a lot of oxidiser, I’m just going to use the rapiers in closed cycle, meaning that I’ll have MOAR POWER under 35km where they usually lose power due to lack of air
  9. It’s honestly almost infuriating how much monoprop the MEM’s RCS uses
  10. I docked the MEM with no LF/OX left, and only 1.52 units of monoprop left...
  11. Ok. I've got a really chonky ssto called the "Maiden", but it needs an extended runway, as it is so heavy. Is it ok, if I take off on the fields around the KSC? Thanks! Also, I'm going for the heavy rain division- 333 tons Know what? Scew that. It can't even take off at 140 m/s with an extended runway
  12. Ok, Ive made an under 500 kg Breaking Ground 150m/s microlight. https://kerbalx.com/jeb_/Park-flyer-1 All I need now is time.
  13. Ladies and gentlekerbals May I present The Artyom MK1. Powered by A SINGLE Juno. Score would be 1094 points. 281.2 m/s at highest, one Juno and lemme check on the mass... 3.892 T. 281.2*(3.892/1) 281.2 * 3.892= 1094.43 points. Will probably be back...
  14. I don’t think so. The person that posted this thread last visited on October the 28th 2019. Sorry
  15. I’m on a budget and the base game is already expensive...
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