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Everything posted by shinden1974

  1. Its been a while...is this still in work?
  2. Yeah, they modified the dry mass so that the rockets would perform on stock like they would in real life (rather than highly overpowered as stock is). I had a mod somewhere here where I modified the tank dry mass for people that use 2.5/2.7 scale mods. I haven't updated it in a while though, so new rockets since then won't have it. Edited for correction. They've stated they won't be supporting 2.5/2.7 scale mods, but the RO configuration, or 1/4 weight of the RO mass should be right.
  3. Sorry, I was late to answer, been out of country for a while I actually use 2.7, which is the scale of JNSQ.
  4. I made a config of my own some time ago. The 2.5 or actually 2.7 scale is the "proper scale" for vanilla in terms of thrust to weight, the relative size being what's distorted in stock. The thing that was adjusted in KIU to make the rockets behave realistically in stock was the weight of the tanks. I built the config to quarter weight the tanks and the mod works wonderfully and somewhat realistically with JNSQ which I currently use. Config is here if anyone wants to try it on 2.7 or 2.5 scale. Just put it in its own folder, or even the KIU folder in the GameData folder. (keep in mind I made this before the current update of the Zhuque-2 , so it's not adjusted by this config, if you are savvy with it, you can probably get it working quickly, I havent played in a while, and I don't have time currently, though I do follow this post) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a8oiqr0brteehektp0aio/KIUweight_adj.cfg?rlkey=avfvi309rsf72z6irs7f0vn87&dl=0 Also, I use Kerwis (for the Long March 5), because it's was just raw scaled to KSP stock and not adjusted to "fly correctly" in stock (in other words, highly overpowered), it works great with a 2.5 or 2.7 out of the box, so I use both, accepting some redundant launchers (I use a mod to make the parts I dont want disappear) for a Chinese space program KSP mod install, to go along with my Soviet/Russian, NASA, SpaceX, and ESA type installs. @mark7 If you want to use the config in the mod, that's fine. I have little time for maintenance however, and if it breaks due to changes in the mod, or new equipment is put in (like the Zhuque-2!) I can't fix it quickly.
  5. Hello Again, Hope you guys are still working on the mod. I found 2 problems of a similar nature, but fortunately, I also have the solution so it's an easy fix. On 2 of your work compartment cfg's: SYCMTDZD.cfg and SYCWTDZD.cfg (these are the labs for Wentian and Mengtian) the labs throw up numerous continual errors when the part is selected. This is because when the lab module was copied from the MPL in vanilla, the module index has to be changed too because the container module is no longer the first module in the part, but the second. Ex.. MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = MTDZD2 startEventGUIName = Expand endEventGUIName = Retract actionGUIName = MengtianZK } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502204 //#autoLOC_502204 = Review Data storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments collectActionName = #autoLOC_238018 //#autoLOC_238018 = Take Data evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2 allowRepeatedSubjects = True } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceLab containerModuleIndex = 0 dataStorage = 2000 crewsRequired = 1 canResetConnectedModules = True canResetNearbyModules = True interactionRange = 5 SurfaceBonus = 0.1 ContextBonus = 0.25 homeworldMultiplier = 0.1 RESOURCE_PROCESS { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 } } containerModuleIndex = 0 shouild be containerModuleIndex = 1 because the container is now the second module (the first is ModuleAnimateGeneric), the index starts with 0.
  6. Thank Mark7, That makes it easy to make a config, as only the weight changes it's performance. Other mods didn't bother changing the weight to get the same in stock performance so they tend to overperform in stock, (which is why the 2.5 scale was created in the first place). I already have a config running that alters the part weight, and I'm enjoying it immensely. Thanks so much, and I look forward to more of your team's work
  7. Hi, I've been playing around with this mod, and I'm really enjoying it. However there are a few problems. I play with JNSQ, a 2.7 scale mod. CZ-6 can't make orbit nor can CZ-6A. CZ-7 can barely make it. CZ-6A should be able to make it to Sun Sync orbit, even with fuel removed to improve TWR, it just can't make it. From looking at the cfg files, it looks like the empty weights of the tanks are unusually high. In fact, the RO Realfuels configs for the tanks on the CZ-6 and CZ-7 make them lighter, even though RO should be much heavier than a stock tank. In fact, when I just made a patch file to move the empty weights from the RO patch over to the regular file, the rockets performed almost perfectly for JNSQ, with ~6000 dV for the CZ-6, ~8000 for the CZ-6A with no payload. Technically they should be a quarter of RO's...assuming they are "real" but I'm pretty satisfied with the RO weights as is. Then again, maybe I'm screwed up, though I generally have no problem launching rockets such as the Redstone from Bluedog mod or anything in tantares.
  8. Thank you so much Well! I've used your mods for more than a year now, and can't play without it. I generally do a KNES/Tantares/BDB friendly competition playthrough and it's always so much fun! I confess I hadn't heard about your other mods until I finally saw your sig (sorry!) ...and I honestly love this mod as well. I use the cubesats as tracker SAS modules for KNES craft and make use of other parts for custom designs. Thanks for all your work Well!
  9. Thanks! fixing the brackets cleared it right up. Also the MRK tank problem went away after removing a mod, though I'm still not sure which one....but the internal tank is now recognized as a pressurized tank. Can't wait to reinstall and start over
  10. I'm still looking into it and haven't reinstalled yet. Looking at the ModuleManager log, some parts are not being configured. I just concentrated on one particular engine to try to get the gist of the problem: the "Grivan" bluedog_Saturn_Engine_H1C. In the MM log, the engine is being configured as a "non configured part" under 000_GlobalPatches...even though the part is named and seemingly configured perfectly in the RF config file. I'm still a novice with how Kerbal .cfg's work, but it seems a little suspect to me, It should work. Maybe I have the wrong version of BDB (official 1.81)?! I've been getting a weird error ever since I started RF, with the BDB redstone and upperstage cfg's. all having to do with reading the variable thrust call on the cfg's, I really didn't pay much attention to it, work in progress and all. Like the other person, I get nothing at all to configure the engine. As in the Global patch, it is set to Kerosene/LOX however. I still have a few mods to uninstall and try I'm not sure you want to waste time going through a massive mm.cfg list, BDB alone takes up half of it with it's compatibility patches. But I can provide one if you like
  11. This may be related to the issue I had reported on github and is probably a conflict. I can't access the engine UI for most of BDB's engines except the "Regor" F1. I'll be starting brand new soon and scrubbing my mod list to a smaller amount. I'll compare the old list and see if I can find the source of the problem and report it here.
  12. I have waterfall, I got them working. Like you said, it's the runningeffectname in the file. Thank you! Little bugs aside, really enjoying it
  13. Some bugs in knes_L3S: The L-140, L-220 don't have multipliers for their tanks (@volume *= 5 ), I think there were a few others with missing multipliers. Without them the engines lose fuel very quickly. Many of the engines have no sound (mostly the liquid engines including the Ariane 4 main engines, I couldn't fix this one, and I'm not sure how to go about it. Perhaps it's a conflict. Not at the computer right now to check. I can be more precise later today
  14. No problem, actually thank you, for making configs for my favorite mods, especially KNES. Really got me back into the game.
  15. No problem. Honestly, I thought I would help a bit. There's a misplaced bracket in line 1837 for RF_BDB_Delta.cfg that broke the emerald booster. I suppose I can make pull requests If you prefer, I'll be using the mod a lot. I may have a few questions about how the code is structured.
  16. Hello, I've been really enjoying this mod, but I noticed that the orbital engines for the soyuz spacecraft from Tantares require high pressure tanks, but the fuel tank on the engine itself and the service compartment are not pressurized, so the engine cannot start with a regular soyuz craft
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