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Everything posted by kspnerd122

  1. Badges are going to be happening, will be made soon
  2. Hello, I would like to say how my challenge is very much still around and a KSP2 version does exist, Please do not repost my challenge but worse.
  3. I have to Agree, It does feel like they dumbed down the game to appeal to children, while also alienating veteran players in the process, I would have been perfectly fine with all the new promised features and visuals comparable to KSP1, but they literally went for visuals first before playable content and bug fixes.
  4. Because its random its hard to make a badge, I will consider it for both the KSP1 and KSP2 iterations of this challenge
  5. Head off to Duna and plant a flag, no Nuclear Engines Get to Ike and build a space station
  6. I think your in the wrong channel, Welcome to the forum, This is the KSP1 Challenge Forum, if you want to post a challenge to KSP2, go there
  7. The moment modding becomes reasonable im making my mod, hopefully we are allowed to tamper with the Kerbolar System If I can figure out parts, I may port a few thingies from KSPIE over (Namely, Fusion Drives)
  8. Hm, I could very much see myself doing this, any chance I could do it on a non Stock+OPM System? (System Map Below if you want to confirm that its still hard) Would it be Ok if I did this and then went interstellar?
  9. Go to Dres and build a space station, No nuclear engines.
  10. Get to Minmus and plant a flag, then return to Kerbin. This is also not the first time I have run this challenge, welcome to the forums, I ran a similar challenge on KSP1 and this is a port of that challenge. The one on KSP1 is still running for anyone interested
  11. How does it work? The challenge wheel is a new way for you to do KSP challenges of varying difficulty and varying rules, I will spin wheels for: Planet - Where Are you going, (there are wheels for Stock, and any future KSP2 planet mods) Goal - What are you doing when you get there (Build a base, simply plant a flag, rescue a kerbal, etc.) Restrictions, Parts - (Low Part Count, No Ion Engines, No Nuclear Engines, etc.) You get one of these Restrictions, Craft - (Low Mass, No ISRU, SSTO, Single Launch, etc.) Difficulties People have different skill levels, and getting an eve return mission right off the bat can be difficult, So pick the difficulty level of challenge you want Easy - You will get a challenge for destinations which are easy to reach, no part count/mass restrictions, Large structures are not required to be single launch: Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike Normal - No planets which have any sort of above average difficulty, Part count and mass restrictions can appear, No large crafts in 1 launch: Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Gilly, Dres Difficult - Distant destinations, Large crafts may need to go up in 1 launch: Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Gilly, Dres, Laythe, Vall, Pol, Bop, Moho, Eeloo Hard - Difficult except you may need to land and return from Eve or Tylo, You can get Grand Tours(For stock this is Jool 5 Automatically) Stratzenblitz - Unreasonable restrictions, Megastructures, Large Builds in 1 Launch(You may do a planet mod at this difficulty if you like) Are Mods Supported? Yes, Modded planets and parts are supported (Once modders start making them) (there are separate wheels which will be spun if playing modded) The only mods which are banned are Mods that provide infinite fuel Mods that use no fuel(Using the atmosphere in a nuclear jet counts as a fuel) General rules (Breaking these will appear in the "Honorable mentions" section) No Kraken drives(this renders things too easy) Modded and stock entries are considered equal, I prefer modded, some prefer stock, neither is considered better for the purposes of this challenge Play fair, if you want a reroll, just ask, but you can only reroll 3 times, then you are stuck with what you got Stations/Bases need to be multiple modules(No, you cant just do something that is technically a station, it needs to have distinct sections for different uses/to look pretty) View Rutabaga's Moho Station for example No Alt+F12 How do I play? Just tell me that you want to play and what mods you are using(just the major ones) Spoiler your modlist to avoid a Wall of Text I will spin the wheel for you and give you your challenge Have fun!
  12. This interstellar level is Physically Impossible, Near future is not enough to reach another star without IRL days of timewarping, KSPIE is fine, as is FFT, but near future is very much impossible(I have seen enough people try, and fail, that yeah its not reasonable) The forums do not like challenges that are literally impossible
  13. Thanks for your submission @Martian Emigrant, Interesting interpretation of the challenge, use of alt+f12 means it is not an official submission, but it certainly earns an honorable mention for effort, A+ for Effort
  14. Rescue them yourself, its a good challenge, helps you get better at the game, and you also aren't likely to get stranded like that again.
  15. Yeah this is mainly my issue, I don't like explicitly habitable planets with life on them, Subsurface oceans are good since they allow for speculation while not being an explicit declaration of aliens, in general I don't think we should have planets that are classically habitable like earth, make it so laythe could be habitable to ammonia life(doesn't explicitly have it but let people imagine it), An ice moon could have subsurface oceans, you can make seriously interesting worlds when you don't chain yourself to habitability.
  16. Rescue them yourself, I was a noob once and rescuing jeb from a moon(not the mun because I liberally applied mods to my game) and it was a great learning experience for me, since it motivated me to progress the tech tree and then come back for him Everyone has that time they stranded a kerbal somewhere and its a great learning experience since 1. You likely won't get stranded like that again 2. Improves skills at either landing in a general area or rendevous and docking, 2 very useful skills for improving your gameplay 3. Just by REACHING the mun you are already incredibly successful at KSP(a good 70% of players never reach orbit) 4. Only about 5% of players have ever gone interplanetary, if you can do that, congratulations, you are playing one of the most complex video games of all time 5. I learned the game with mods installed(parts and planets) I would seriously recommend it if you have the controls down, since it provides such good opportunities for improving as a KSP player
  17. Groans... I know what im doing, I know what tidal locking is, you are the person who doesnt seem to know what your talking about. For this, imagine if the sun just randomly got 5 times brighter and hotter, that's... not fun for any oceans or life
  18. Water and oxygen aren't rare whatsoever, especially oxygen. guess what, by volume earth's crust is about 46% Oxygen, so you won't run out of that. Water (and oxygen) aren't rare in the outer solar system, even on mercury ice exists, on venus the sulfuric acid contains the ingredients for water, Water and oxygen are not rare whatsoever. In space you WILL need to recycle everything, you don't get to just process your pee and then dump it in a river, you process your pee enough to get it to the same standard as the water you drink and then drink it again. You don't need a habitable planet to have a large base this last point makes almost 0 sense, if you are talking about tidal locking, that's not how it works, the moon still rotates but its orbital period is the same as its rotation period, so 1 face always points at it, if a planet basically doesn't rotate, all parts of that see the sun and there is no static terminator, also, to get that type of planet you need a red dwarf, which are super nasty, flare constantly, and that flaring and dimming tends to very quickly strip an atmosphere off
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