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Harald Kerbal

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  • About me
    Uh oh... not enough ∆v to take off
  • Location
    Stranded in the big mountains of duna,.
  • Interests
    Space engineer, robotics, space, space, rockets, science, space, KSP, KSP2, KSP multiplayer, space, Nasa, Space X, ESA, and of course: space

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  1. Yeah that's it. I don't know what option hinge motorization is with the kal 1000. I need answers fast so anyone?
  2. Can i like download one of the 4? Because I'm not feeling like installing 4 mods to use only 1. But at least this helps to decide between 3 mods and stock ngl
  3. I am currently working on a school project, and we had to make a transport that solves an issue. Me and my group decided a marine plane, that can land on water on bad wheather. I did find out how to make the wings not rip off, neiter the engines, but now it can't take off. The plane is very small (MK2 for those who ask), with folding wings, capable of archiving supersonic speeds (not optimized for it since it's a public transport), yet it only gets about 24m/s, not enough for takeoff. Is there a way to change the water drag coeficient so that it maches realistic drag and not some sort of pitch ocean?
  4. Hello. I've been experimenting with making a starship in ksp1, and I keep accidentally opening the fairings that make the shape. How do i make them not be able to open?
  5. I brought KSP with native download, no external agency. So there is no way to add the expansion.
  6. Bruh I crashed a plane just to apear in a video. wdym
  7. I want to download KSP GBS, but I allready have native KSP. How do I get the GBS without it's own KSP?
  8. Hello, and I was wondering: how could everyone send a file to matt to make a Blunderbirds episode except me? and how do i do it?
  9. Bro that was like. Sheeeeeeeesh that is perfect
  10. how do i connect a xbox series x/s controller to kerbal space program for pc?`
  11. Cow can i travel to Eve?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harald Kerbal

      Harald Kerbal



    3. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      To get to Eve you want to build a rocket. This rocket should have. Slander with 6000m/do (trust me, Eve is trouble and needs dealt v to leave). And biuld a bother ship with 5,000m/dv. Biuld the rocket add boosters and make sure it can get to LKO. The lander could have a docking port for a Apollo style landing and system. An Eve transfer window is 45 degrees. Kerbin up front and Eve behind. Get to LKO. Make a menuver to Eve. Make some correction burn. Get to Eve and make a low Eve orbit. Separate lander and mother ship. Slow down lander and enter Eve atmosphere. You want to have a lot of heat shields for this as Eve atmosphere causes a lot of heat. Go through Eve, deeply parachutes and land, land on a flat area. You may have to do F5s. Land on Eve. Plant a flag, (note: you can’t use EVA packs on Eve. Leave leave get to low rave or it. Dock with the mother ship. Ditch lander. Go home. Get to Kerbin. And entrees Kerbin atmosphere and land on Kerbin. Recover vessel.

    4. Harald Kerbal

      Harald Kerbal

      THANK YOU!!!! (i am not good for docking with rcs)

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