Just realized that no one asked if there will be better sound effects, because they the game as it is currently is basically muted besides rocket engines and music. No wheels, breathing, footsteps, metal creaking, wind etc.
Caused my game to crash with space station parts redux installed, caused parts from other mods to stop even working. Uninstalled b9 and my game works like a charm again. Not sure what the mod author was going for here feel like they were trying to break my game lol.
http://prntscr.com/ozt6b4 here’s the crash when using space station parts redux.
EDIT: the parts it caused to stop showing up were from mods that supported this and included b9 in their install files. The work fine without it.
B9part switch was completely screwing my game even without space station on, uninstalled b9 and everything works bad mod don’t use it, but the space station parts are great just don’t install the b9partswitch that’s with the file
B9partswitch was causing my game to crash and cause space station redux to crash which crashes my game and without space station redux installed it caused this mod to not work. Removing b9 fixed all issues.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5o3r9iddi3fqlbg/output_log.txt?dl=0 Still says this route not found, I worded it wrong saying path before but it's the same either way. EDIT: I actually managed to get it working kinda, I had to press set path about 30 times in a row before it finally set a path and pressing go worked.. It seems when I pressed set path it wouldn’t Input it into the box but after spamming it it worked.
I’m not arguing with you, I’m literally stating that I downloaded it off of the front page from the links you provided. Currently installing it from the link StarWaster provided which isn't on the mod page.
The latest version? The download link is on the page for space dock and I also tried the GitHub one but no dice same issue. And no I didn’t use the dev source code.
This just doesn’t work at all for me, no matter what I do it says “path could not be found” when pressing the GO! Button. I thought it might be not enough coverage for commlink but after sending 4 more satellites to the mun and covering the entire thing 24/7 still nothing. I tried on duna and minmus and same issue. I need a mod like this to work as driving a rover is excruciatingly boring.