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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. I was looking for it, and found it, and it was awsome. TUBM knows a good meme when he/she sees one.
  2. Yesn't TUBM knows a good meme when he/she see- garbage. also no. you know what, me is gonna ask TUBM dis. TUBM ships Jeb and Val
  3. beards are [censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text][censored text]... no. TUBM has watched 2001 a space odyssey
  4. the three wonder, "how can val complain if she's dead?"
  5. because you are the are yes funny because why the not you are what you are are aardvark. why does funny make me make weird "HNYO HUA HAGH" noise?
  6. really? I would expect a lot people to have lots of weird, cringy, strange and/or disturbing thoughts. I have them, and I would prefer not to know the WCSD thoughts of others. The thought process and general state of mind of a few people could be more convoluted and confusing then mine, and could overwhelm my consciousness. some secrets should just not be known. Some people might actually be aliens or future humans that have "ascended". just a peek into their brains can put you into a coma. no. TUBM has passed elementary/primary school.
  7. powder toy and space flight simulator are two games that I have that are, IMO, gud examples of good games without ads. plague inc, theotown and idle universe are games in device that have ads but are, IMO, still gud. most games that have an unbearable amount of ads I just delete and purge from my memory. but there are a few that I keep just to pass time during those serviceless roadtrips (or I just turn on airplane mode). a few examples include those two smashy splody games, that one "OOOO" physic game, and a few others that I just forgot the existence/name of.
  8. who said that they were immortal, they clearly die from explosions and high speed impacts. who said that they are required?
  9. I usually revert to the last save when that happens, although my brother has. TUBM has once eaten a drumstick.
  10. back to topice of real kerbalisms... I once saw a truck bed being used as a trailer, kinda like dis: does it count, probably not. or probably yes! or yes not why yesn't notatus whatus amus I doingus?
  11. I am planning to retire there, in about 60 years... jeez, ninja'd twice. yes? TUBM likes dat dynetics lander.
  12. I don't know what either of these are, but wolf sounds stronk! what is the apple doing, why isn't it moving?
  13. there seems to be a little space in between the mega boosterz for the decouplerz, about a meter, and the fins look like 4. 4+4 + 9*3 = math number 37 meterz, sV was 10! Even the Thicc boye ROMBUS is 13 meterz short!
  14. none. or is currently wearing pants.
  15. well we're all wrong then... DAT PHAT TANK
  16. I would if I could. or TUBM has absolutely roasted someone once.
  17. wrong delta II has 9 boosters, the N-1 has none...
  18. Your right, I do not know if I actually don't know about any concepts that would allow for a jet to function on duna.
  19. well at least we know how to do it, and the concept is there. I guess but I don't know a single concept that would allow you to jet around on mars. I still think that they could add ram/scramjets, since they would be useful for ssto's and flying around on oxygenated bodies like laythe and that one exoplanet with an abnormally large lake. well, bigger is better?
  20. Granted. but the water evaporates. you should have expected that. I wish fo la foob
  21. they eat. why do ants swarm my open containers of doughnuts?
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