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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. kerblin )got punked( No it's not. I see it all over youtube comments. hardly son cermin
  2. Nice, but you should have posted that here: Also your username is your account name, you should probably get that changed.
  3. burn retrograde, keep some fuel if powered landing is required. loose 0-98% of mass during reentry, depending on speed, shielding, and stability. then loose 0-100% of mass during landing depending on the landing speed, landing surface, amount of parachutes and/or the amount of fuel remaining.
  4. 47: "land" on an asteroid.
  5. I am in awe. 10/10 would watch again.
  6. depends on the size of the payload: either one large core booster, one large core booster with two equally sized boosters on each side, a core with a bunch of appropriately sized boosters, or what I call, "LAG SUPREME". boosters on boosters on boosters, with asparagus staging and all 3.75 meters and a single 5 meter core. AND DON'T THINK THE SECOND OR THIRD STAGE ARE GOING UNSCAVED. I NEED EVERY OUNCE of that Delta-V and a thrust to weight ratio higher than 2 so it doesn't take 2 hours to get into orbit!
  7. why? australia is pretty much florida but with less water and more poison, yet I am not currently choking on toilet paper.
  8. or they could just launch two or three satellites ABSOLUTELY SMOTHERED with relay dishes in kerbin orbit. It's the most kerbal solution!
  9. I still call it the BFR, and BFS and BFB for starship and superheavy respectively.
  10. Granted. I don't know what that is though, so i'm just gonna give you an extreme hamburger, 1999 light years wide. I recommend getting in an ftl ship before it arrives. I wish for memes.
  11. Granted. But you now have none as it was sucked from you. I wish that this wish doesn't change anything, like birthday wishes.
  12. Hmmmm... It looks like you have just too much extra stuff. I recommend that you increase the scale (more engines AND more fuel), or/and use areospikes (in the vacuum, to increase efficiency and delta-V), or just decrease the amount of weapons.
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