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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. The bike makes you stronger, and thus more fiT fOR FiGting!
  2. 11:00 AM and this BALL still doesn't wanna get up! Frickin poof. yes the images were taken at 10:30, but it don't matter, because she stayed awake until 11:01!
  3. welp, all nearby stores ran out of food and carbonated water.
  4. this is why you only use DD-MM-YYYY with NUMBERS 14/03/2020... nah, still looks weird, mi finna usad lathole 03/14/2020 pie day gonna end soon for me, time to hibernate.
  5. not dank enough, I pour 12345.3458543412*10^34 tons of compounds and elements onto the earth. MY black hole
  6. I put BIG DIRT in you're crater, burying you alive. MY HILL!
  7. Wrong, this is the biggest issue that can be caused by Covid-19, I NEED MY GAME!
  8. well you should probably try to land on duna first, since it is Very hard to build a ship that can get off of eve. however if you want you can try to land on its moon, gilly, but only if you know how to rondevu with a ship, since gilly's sphere of influence is very small. tutorials can be found across the internet, like here: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:How_to_get_to_Duna
  9. hmmm, I'm not sure, but it could be that the contract wanted you to put it in an orbit around the mun, not just the same orbit as it, as most of those kind of mission contracts would. if you did put the satellite in orbit around the mun, then, I dunno.
  10. this thread is going to be filled with people making pie or something. anyways, my favorite pie is sweet potato pie, how 'm'mmnmabout you?
  11. <snip> IMO it should take somewhere around 500 years for humans to send a manned interstellar mission, 2000 at Maximum laziness, assuming nothing bad happens, which probably will. why that is, I dunno, just a hunch. also you have to remember that these are kerbals, not humans. kerbals are much more into spaceflight than we are. or not
  12. fantastic, should be part of the ksp 2 soundtrack.
  13. Maybe, but why not plate techtonics? BTW this thread is VERY old, and most of these users are not even active anymore, and haven't visited the forum in months, OR YEARS. Why you be revivin dead threads?
  14. Gusbree decided that he wanted to go Big, and so challenged jeb to a race across the kerbin ice caps. as you would expect, it didn't go so well, as Gusbree hit a small pebble in the otherwise smooth surface. not half a millisecond later Gusbree, along with his rocket car, ceased to exist. deedee kerman - getting sued
  15. a single world country called "The new world order", not related to or to be confused with the NWO conspiracy theory, for that the kerbal population knows about it about as much as I know about the USA, and I live in it. why it is called The New World Order nobody knows, although it could be because of some war but I don't care.
  16. did you moderators ever BAN ONE OF YOUR OWN, or did a moderator ever do the bad?
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