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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. 1. why would you have to start from scratch every day or week just because there isn't a 24/7 server? just play on your own. (also the management of that server would be insane or something, there are already plenty of problems with a private server with like 6 people). 2. not something that warrants not buying the game. 3. why exactly do you wan't Realistic aerodynamics in the first place? also read 2. 4. read 2. 5. ok 6. just get a mite srb and a nose cone and you are off! why do you need weapons anyway. were they the reason you bought ksp? read 2. 7. well they might add it, but again read 2. and I thought that the focus of kSp was Spac- oh yeah, spaceplanes. 8. Ok.
  2. pretty sure that glumo is a moon of Murble, or is it the other way around? How? that's like saying that niagara falls are overkill. HOW ARE THEY OVERKILL?!?
  3. I am playing ksp on the console, and is are planning to get a computer capable of running KSP2. Then why did you tell us?!?
  4. when I saw the ksp 2 announcement trailer on my recommended:
  5. Usually I strap tiny fuel tanks with vectors on them (or large but short fuel tanks with mammoths on them for sme of dat MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY) to have a constantly high TWR on my 4 kiloton rockets throughout the entire flight - my Xbox hates me and the lag is unbearable!
  6. it needs to be. QUICK, someone petition musk to build this!
  7. OK then, who said no plant life or microbes, WHY?
  8. Wut does this have to do with anything here, Manchild .toN tI ,oN
  9. At this point i'ts probably easier to just turn earth 2.0's moon into a giant Mckendree cylinder.
  10. Someday in the future, bionic killer whales with arms will look back at this as the day the great war started.
  11. Boi did you just like my 2 month old comment? The podling and straight aunt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. who said no alien life, WHY?
  13. Pretty sure that most if not all landers IRL have legs that "stick out". I mostly agree with everything you said before. It is not a horrible thing, It has not been haunting or hurting the game, and it has been part of the game ever since Felipe Falanghe thought up of the game (I think ).
  14. I will be genuinely surprised if they don't add some form of life to the game. It would be as easy as putting some black, purple or green plant like organisms on the ground and/or some stationary animal like life scattered around the ground.
  15. BTW if you see me doing or saying something weird or stupid (like this), it is either because of my autism or my stupidity.
  16. why can't you just control the ship from the cockpit when you want to, why does there have to be a mode for it? - yes - yes
  17. what are you talking about? it looks just like him!
  18. Banned for not rhyming! I... would expect great timing?
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