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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. ok, well that's not an excuse to not buy the game. it's not like the game is unplayable without it.
  2. what do you mean by "no persistent universe in MP"? why would you "NO BUY" just because there isn't a subterranean environment? It's not like the game will not be playable without it. besides, you could just wait until someone mods it in. do you mean aerodynamics equivalent to ksp1 or even MORE realistic? and if you won't by a game just because it doesn't have realistic aerodynamics, then why did you buy ksp1? what do you mean by "No terrain modification", do you want ships crashing to cause dents in the terrain, because then kerbin would be gone in no time flat! dedicated servers? for what, multiplayer?(I dunno anything about that stuff). I won't play in multiplayer much anyways so I don't care. why would you need weapons? besides, that would just mean more work for the devs, and thus, the release date will be pushed back. I wan't realistic sized planets in ksp 2, does that mean I won't buy it if it isn't in, NO! again, an easily moddable feature that is no reason to "NO BUY". they already confirmed clouds.
  3. seems reasonable to me, I don't think that many players would be annoyed if it was in ksp2, except for those on the consoles. (like me)
  4. So the guys over at *insertnameofthatnewcompanythatismakingKSP2* will only make a feature optional if they feel like it is worth the extra time and resources to make it optional.
  5. Banned for banning someone because they replied instead of letting me ban them for replying. your also banned for being a hypocrite.
  6. possibly, probably, maybe. anyway, what were we arguing about before this thread derailed, oh yeah, special relativity and communication delays. yes, it is, and most of the playerbase (including me) agree. it should be left to the modders to add it. relativity however, could be in the game, because it isn't annoying, probably isn't that hard to implement (might be, and if that's the case it should be added after the game is released), and... well there isn't really a reason to implement it, except for it being cool, but what feature of the game wasn't added because it was cool (*all of them)
  7. At this point I am starting to agree with you, just a little bit. Of course that doesn't mean Private Division does. That sounds fun Well it depends on how difficult it actually is to make things optional Yes.
  8. YES. but in the unlikely event that PD doesn't allow options in ksp2, this: is what I want to be.
  9. why do you want to use cheats to rondevu? practice, or because you're lazy? anyway, there is no (how close do you wanna rendezvous) bar, it automatically sets you to 150 meters, where you can set the spacecraft, space station or asteroid as target, aim at it with SAS, thrust towards it, and dock. it is recommended that you Have RCS on your ship.
  10. although only if the devs feel like it. both of those could also be options.
  11. so it seems like signal delays should just be handled by modders. I don't use comm net, my kerbals don't go unconscious when experiencing high G's, does that mean that those feature shouldn't be there?
  12. certain parts can have full autonomy and thonk, and now @Brikoleur is going to tell me why that is a bad idea.
  13. australia doesn't exist, you're just a paid actor
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