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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. actually 'Yer' is 'place' in turkish, so it's a turkish thing
  2. I'm sad now. R.I.P Mike Hughes. I think you mean Yar, like da pirate, or Yeah, like the human, or Yer, like the meme man.
  3. inCORRECT the user below me has a cat
  4. true, but I am planning on doing so after I go to eve and gilly, which will be after I go to jool and all of it's moons (jool 5), which will be after I get to moho. the player below me has a doggo.
  5. wHaT DAT? a ThICK BOI PFFFFFFFFFFFT, looks like Nasa threw a giant rock through the firmament again.
  6. there was a point in my life (6 months ago), when I thought "hey, maybe the earth is flat"(dumb, I knew). I then thought that that was dumb, so I searched up "flat earth logic", and found this: https://creation.com/refuting-flat-earth now I can no longer think of flat earthers as 'human'
  7. wait, did you check If there were crew in your ship? I made a similar mistake when I started playing.
  8. there is an astronomically small chance it will be released in Q2 2020, a slight chance it will be released in Q3, It will probably be released In Q4 2020 - Q1 2021, If PD don't get their act together, It will launch in Q2 2021, and If the producers of KSP2 REALLY take their time to make the ABSOLUTE best game possible (shouldn't take an entire year tho), or just spend that time doing nothing, we'll see it enter steam in Q3-4 of 2021! now an example of an EXTREMEPESSIMIST™, and an EXTREMEOPTIMIST™. actually it's gonna be released in Q2 2026, the date we go back to the moon, although If we are really lucky, we will see it launch with starship (into orbit), in 2023. actually your gonna see it at TOMMOROW, although If we are really unlucky we will see it at DAY ONE OF SPRING!
  9. yes. Instead of the ability to make missions on Xbox one, we have a mun launch site.
  10. there are tutorials ingame. nice orbit, soon you'll start constructing some BIG BOIS, and prepare for lots of explosions. tip: use struts to firmly attach boosters to the core, and by turning on advanced tweakables in the settings you can enable autostrut and rigid attachment on specific parts. another tip: your rocket has shockingly few boosters. moar boosters of a larger size can get you farther! tip 500,439: In order to 'land' on jool (hover just above the kill zone), you'll need propellers, and to lift up back into orbit (where a mothership is hopefully waiting), you will need about 17000 delta-V , which is still less then the delta-V required to get to LEO (Earth, not kerbin).
  11. I think you mean "ksp 2.1" or "ksp 2 1.1". but yeah, I would like to be able to build a submarine and shove it into the oceans of laythe. Luna? do you mean the mun, OCEANS ON THE MUN!
  13. I LOVE HIM (no homo), who doesn't! The user below me watched jacksepticeye play KSP.
  14. Recently completed (although that might change), 100% stock space station: I named it KORS (kerbin Orbital Research Station), which is a terrible name.
  15. I am pretty sure that everyone would have done that eventually. I would probably get crippling depression after a few hours of existing, with no one but my dog and a few chickens. I might eventually muster up the courage to kill myself. That's what would most likely happen IRL, but if I were going by the rules these people were going by (infinite fuel, infinite knowledge, immune to sadness) I would blow everything into something, with the power of the atom, but not before exploring around and seeing if there are ALIENS IN AREA 51!
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