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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Commodore_32 has replied to Misguided_Kerbal´s in a topic [We need ~685 posts per day!] Let´s make this the Megathread!
  2. A "GPU rampage" that makes thing look better, all the RTX Graphics cards have that mode. List in spoiler.
  3. TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK tester*** Already saw them, but the final one, that looks not 4k, it looks like... And By the way, this is the moment I think I had been a genius:
  4. No, the need for autostruts, kraken hotfixes, asteroid claw loading physics, breaking ground´s filmsiness on servos and not having enough power, physics time warp, THE LANDING GEAR CLIPPING INTO THE FUSELAGE DESTROYING WINGS, and lack of big efficent engines.
  5. Next question: what would happen if there were an @everyone ping?
  6. At least someone remembers me. I am not on the "kraken physics cheats" side so no. And by the way, the TLAs got into place again. Warned @Lisias and got logs uploaded. [If someone knows about this here are the logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8iTtc0fbSvx1-vpM7?e=cNoru2
  7. Banned for seeing it like a bad thing.
  8. Banned because I´m now a Pioneer 11....
  9. Banned because you are trying to "Kalm" me.
  10. Banned for having 2 dots instead of 3 [roasted].
  11. Banned for being a literal lander and for not including a period at the final.
  12. So yeah, yesterday I was trying to "remake" the SN5 Hop but with all Tank Farm Activity, Loading Propellant, etc. So while the propellant was produced and loading, I would like to see some venting clouds, like in the real rockets. You know about a mod that can do this?
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