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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Welp, looks like the CoM was kinda at the very back sooooo. I corrected it and no problems found. Moderators, get the *URGENT* word out of the name.
  2. Umm... Kerbal Konstructs is a mod that adds structures in kerbin, and I forgot to mention that it also needs Tundra Space Center
  3. It has but inside the cargo bay, its meant to be for payload but you can reach it with some contraption.
  4. @Lewie Help! My TRX-3 Space Shuttle is stranded in Mun orbit with ~63 m/s of dV left, inclination is weird and its kinda unbalanced, the Shuttle has a diferent design and watch out for reentry-excessive lift. Requires: Kerbal Konstructs. File link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8iU145vL45dcGuvOQ?e=vbtsR1 Pls get it back
  5. I put in orbit my custom Space Shuttle called TRX-3 since TRX-2 crashed, I replaced the main engine and now I can get orbit without cheats! (Those SSMEs fired for so long and got me into orbit and still got fuel left, but it was hard to control on idle and I got to ditch the external tank before all the fuel were burned, I think I will put RCS into it.)
  6. Banned because Im a Titan and you are a poor lander.
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