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Check Nates previous game releases and then you know why a lot of people are "whining" and being "negative". I would call it having a realistic expectation. But some call it whining and negativity lol. I'm still glad I haven't bought it. I might do in around 5 years, when 1 or 2 of the promised features have been added
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I don't think they played their own game for even just 5 minutes. The amount of bugs are just incredible.
Thank you. And thanks for helping me. Btw I now struggle a bit with the texturing hehe. NOt that easy to make dds files!? Is that even necessary? Does it really save that much space? My test texture is all in all 26 MB lol. A bit huge. Took me almost an hour to bake in blender I don't think it is the mod. Because the parts of the mod working fine. It is just if I import/export with Unity and use them in the game then. I've tried for fun to use one of the Rotatrons, imported into BLender, then to Unity and then back into the game. Result is the same as above. So I think more of an issue with the Tools package or the game itself. At least that sounds more logical to me. What program has been used to created/Edit the dll files? What language is it I mean? I might just for fun take a look into the code. I assume it is C# ? I once did some scripts/addons for for ArmA...maybe I still remember a bit hehe. That was in a kind of C as well. They modified it, but based on C.
Hi. I made this model for IR/next. I figured all errors and stuff out. It works now. BUT: Look for yourself. First the 3D world, it rotates only the Joint with some tanks attached. It's a VTOL and this is how it should work. It's all fine. Then inside the VAB. It rotates all parts, even on the X axis. This is totally weird and I cannot figure out why. It's not really gamebreaking as nothing happens. But it's nonsense. And I would like to know why. Trust me I've tried literally everything in the config and all kinds of stuff in blender and Unity on the model itself. If you need anything, just tell me.
Ok ok. The VTOL works like it should. But also only in the 3D world. In the VAB editor it is like in the video above.
Allright. I got the Rotatron working. In the 3D world (launch pad). But in the VAB editor the base is again rotating over the X axis. Like the VTOlL in the video. That makes no sense. But at least it works where it should - in the 3D world. Now I have to find out why the behavior of the VAB is different from 3D world .
The import works. It's just that something seems to be messed up. When I check in Unity in debug mode, there is the W-axis. So the Quaternion seems to be there. Funny is that I don't have to set it up in BLender in first place. It is there automatically. So even if I setup the regular XZY axis, as soon as it is imported in unity, it comes with an W-axis. But I am not sure what it is. I will make a simple model later with both axis on top of each other. Simple rotatron. This should work. If it doesn't work at all, I assume there is something wrong with Unity/Blender/KSP/KSP tool package or anything related to it. I mean, I wasted 2 days with Unity just to find out, thanks to you guys, that the devs gave us a broken tool package. So it could be the case that there is a new issue, right? One other thing I haven't tested yet, is to make a model for the KSP built-in robotics. I could check one of their parts and try to make it work there. That's somethign I might play around with to see if and how they did it different.
Ok now this is even more weird now. Not only I haven't been able to fix it. I really tried everything with the rotation. for both methods, using the blender file and collada. I also deleted the collider meshes and tried all combinations again. Nothing, nada, nope, no. No way to fix it. I think I'll give up. If someone knows the solution, nice. Otherwise, I will not touch it again. Just some few more tests out of curiosity, because: But also I just went to the launch pad in the 3D world this time (haven't tested it that way before). And what shall I say. The behavior is not the same as in the building. Why is that? It rotates differently. Instead of both parts rotating, not it is only the base rotating. But this also means I have to over and over again test it. Maybe while building the rocket it is showing wrong, but on launch pad then works proper? I will just check that tomorrow to figure why it behaves different, but then I let it go. I will try doing other parts. A simple rotatron with having a hope that this will then work.
Ok. The hint with the orientation did it. I mean that is the only issue with my model. It is the problem, not just an influence. (I couldnt sleep, had to test it hehe.) Thing is you're right. It is the rotation. But I couldn't figure how to fix it. (only now reading your post) In Blender it looks correct, as soon as I import it to Unity via Collada file, all X axis change to -90 degree. It then has the same error that I have with my model. I also then tried to correct it in Unity, with all kind of angles. 0, 90, 180, 270 and the same with minus in front. Nothing works. So after it has been imported in Unity, it is not possible to fix it. At least from the Collada file. I could understand this for my model. But using the models of IR and also the old original VTOL, giving me the same messed up rotation, as soon as I import it to Unity. I import the .mu model from the addon folder into blender. Then export as Collada, then import into Unity = messed up. (with the exact same erroenours base+joint rotations) I btw used the VTOL as it has the same shape/orientation. That's why I thought it might help me more than using a rotatron. I see now that it doesnt help. Ahh so you don't export it as collada and then import it? Didn't know that works. All tutorials I saw so far did it as collada. Just tested it at this moment while I am typing the sentence. Seems to work!? Will try this method now before continue to mess around with the collada file. For the test tank that I've made, it is not relevant (wouldn't make sense tho). But because of the rotating part it is. The origins of all parts should be positioned at the world origin (0,0,0)? Did I understand this correct? (just double check if I undestand it correct) I think and hope that this is finally the solution now. I will check it with my model and with an IR model from the mod if mine don't work again. In any case I thank you so very much for helping me.
Hi, thanks a lot for your input. @Names in the screenshot of mine. No they were basically correct. I was just playing around. I kept changing the names, adding more colliders etc. I also thought at one point that MAYBE the names could be hardcoded haha. That's why the screenshot differs from the cfg file. Sorry, I should have made it matching. Didn't notice it. My intention was more on showing the hierachy. But when I am testing it, I always make sure they match. I have tested all combinations that could come to my mind. What I am wondering is that I took the original VTOL parts config as an example and that part works. The bottom node is not working on the old VTOL (attached tanks remain at the position when rotation starts). But the base and Joint parts are moving correct or better say, the base standing still and the joint is rotating as it should be. But with my model, it is moving like in the short video clip that I have posted. Just @orientation is something that I wasn't aware of, aside of this Quaternion thing. That's a good hint, if it has influence. I will try that later/tomorrow (I think 15 hours is enough for today loool) But as you suggested, I will going to check the orientation. That's the one and only thing that I have not yet touched (in the new model. The previous model I've made, I've changed something and made it work, but I forgot what exactlyI did). I thought the orientation in unity only affects how the parts orientation is in the game, when you select it. Mine are 90 degree on the X axis. If that was the problem I am happy. I hope that is the only issue. Also I noticed that it rotates counterclockwise, while the other parts form the mod rotate clockwise. (when pressing arrow right in the motor control window) - I assume that is an indication that the orientation is messed up? But I don't really undestand what you are trying to say with Blender. It keeps around transforms? Sorry, maybe I am tired, but I don't get it. I get the idea from the second sentence tho. I think haha. Funny thing is if I put another collider mesh as cylinder next to the base "plate" and/or base "collider" the whole thing (base+joint) rotates without rotating around both axis as in the video. I can't see the logic behind this. I only figured that this stops this weird behavior. But still the base is not fixed and is rotating together with the joint. I can't make the base remain still/fixed. The previous model I made (which was a total mess at the end) worked good, aside from the attachment nodes not working at all. Now the attachment nodes working fine, but the rotation thing is not working. And I can't figure why. Thank you guys for your input. Appreciate it. I will test it and report back tomorrow. If it works out, I make texturing and change some minor stuff on the appearance and upload it. And make some more parts. I know KSP has native robotic functions. But the parts sucks. Not much parts and all so super small. And I think some functions from the mod are missing. Haven't tested the KSP robotic parts to be honest, because they're so small so I didn't bother to check them. Also I think they rotate too fast. They're more for Helicopter/Propeller stuff? Not sure tho. Sorry if my reply is a bit long and my english sucks. I can barely keep my eyes open, I'm so sleepy now. But have to wait another 30 minutes to log out from work (work from home)
It works fine. Couldn't find an error. I even try to make a new version of the VTOL part that I am missing for my lander. I just cannot figure the problem with the model. If I can fix this, I would even do more parts. Not too complex, but things that could be useful. But first I need to figure my mistake/problem.
Could it have to do something with Quaternion? When I analyzed the difference between my model and the other IR models, I figured that the rotation method is different. It is with W axis. I googled it and it tells me it is Quaternion. I have no idea what that is. But when I set this the same way as the original VTOl model (W 1.0 ) then it is still doing this weird behavior. When I add another mesh collider for the Joint, right next to the base plate, then it will stop spinning all around. But then still the whole base is rotating. I can't make it stop rotating. No matter how I bring it in order, change the cfg or whatever. I is becoming super frustrating because I really tried everything. I changed it all. I even built a new model. So I built three models now in total. And tried everything with the mesh colliders, the parent/child order etc. pp. Everuthing that could possibly have something to do with the issue. But it doesn't help. I don't see what I make different to the other parts. Please please pleaassseee help me. I can't rest until I figured it and fixed it. I want that VTOL so badly. And I want to continue with it, making textures etc. But I stuck here. And it drives me crazy. I even ignore my work and spent another whole day on it haha. Here is also the blender model (w/texture file): https://drive.google.com/file/d/17AG8jlK41Ug5a91I2aRw2AzSF_7jx4uz/view?usp=sharing
Ok, this thing is driving me nuts. So I have rebuilt it. Properly, in my opinion. This time it was much easier and I sticked to some "rules" doing it. Still I have this weird behavior. I need help as I cannot figure it out. Here is a video, screenshot from Blender and cfg file. PART { // --- General Parameters --- name = VTOL25 module = Part author = Duke49th // --- Asset Parameters --- mesh = model.mu scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 // --- Node Definitions --- //node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 1.805, 2.13, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2 //node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 // --- Editor Parameters --- TechRequired = actuators entryCost = 7500 cost = 2500 category = none subcategory = 0 title = VTOL25 manufacturer = Dukes Trash Factory description = This old rusty VTOL is designed for big mothertrucking lander and rockets. Its durable. tags = infernal robotic rotatron servo // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0 // --- Standard Part Parameters --- mass = 1.5 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 250 maxTemp = 2000 breakingForce = 9999 breakingTorque = 9999 // --- TweakScale Parameters --- MODULE { name = TweakScale type = Rework_Standard } // --- Robotics Parameters --- MODULE { name = ModuleIRServo_v3 servoName = VTOL25 axis = 0, 1, 0 pointer = 1, 0, 0 fixedMesh = Cube movingMesh = Joint isRotational = True hasMinMaxPosition = False minPosition = -360 maxPosition = 360 isFreeMoving = False electricChargeRequired = 2.5 isInverted = False isLocked = False canHaveLimits = True hasPositionLimit = False minPositionLimit = -360 maxPositionLimit = 360 factorAcceleration = 20 maxAcceleration = 20 accelerationLimit = 4 factorSpeed = 20 maxSpeed = 20 speedLimit = 1 factorForce = 50 maxForce = 500 forceLimit = 500 zeroNormal = 0 zeroInvert = 0 presetsS = -180.0|-90.0|0.0|90.0|180.0 availableModeS = Servo|Rotor|Control //invertSymmetry = False soundFilePath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor // Motor loop sound path } } Edit: This is from Unity. So please kindly tell me what is wrong? I really can't figure.