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Everything posted by blspblackdeath

  1. The next update is out. Thanks to seanth we got the good old landing leg working again.
  2. I'm looking into it. But if you have your patch ready in the meantime tell me.
  3. I tried it but the mod seems too big to be uploaded there. I did it. I would be happy with a little help because I am quite busy with my doctoral thesis. https://github.com/BLSPBlackDeath/Kerbal-Historical-Institute The parts making me headaches are the Landing Leg and the Landing Gear. If you are interested to help give me a PM.
  4. It was my first munlanding I think. It is a while back. ;-) Oh no, this was my first munlanding - with mods.
  5. Hi. Very good mod you have here. But I had a problem with deinstallation of your mod with ckan. I wanted a little more casual approch with stock communications. I removed Remote Tech and now I can't find the stock relay buttons at the Comstation. And it seems that the need of Stockcomnet is removed from my save entirely.
  6. I will surly download that and take it for a ride it looks very cool.
  7. I couldn't have said it better. We need some love for the career mode. I can't launch from the new launchpad. That is another failure, which will surely be corrected by modders.
  8. I would make it so that you can launch from it after you discovered the old KSC.
  9. Thats great to know. It is a livesaver for me, too.
  10. Well maybe it is just venting my disappointment. But I really would have liked complex missions in my career mode save which is at least 2 years old.
  11. You can make it work if the Builder would integrate a career initial condition as preset. And several mods like the Contract Configurator are working to build your own missions. It is bad game design to build the mission builder on the premise that it needs to create its own savegame.
  12. Hello everyone. I came back from rocketry retirement for the first KSP DLC. I like the new parts and especially the parachutes for my Kerbals. But the real bummer is for me the Mission Builder. SQUAD why the hell is it not working with the Career Mode? What game designer thought it was a good idea to make a mission builder and let the crappy missions in career mode remain? It is a missed opportunity to overhaul the core game and a disappointment for me as a veteran KSP Kerbonaut. Please integrate the mission builder for campaign mode. Even a version with less options would be working. P.S.: AND GIVE US A STOCK KERBAL ENGINEER FOR D/V READOUTS!!! P.S.II: Pretty please. Love you guys blspblackdeath
  13. Will the created mission from the mission builder be able to be played in the KSP campaign? Of the previews I saw it seemed that you can only create missions to be played seperately. That would be a shame because I like the immersion in the campaign with my trained kerbonauts.
  14. New Update released! Kerbal Historical Institute 3.5 Parts added which were lost with KSP 1.4. * TR-2V Stack Decoupler * TR-18A Stack Decoupler * Rockomax brand decoupler * TR-38-D * TR-2C Stack Separator * TR-18D Stack Separator * TR-XL Stack Separator * ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank * Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank (grey) * Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank (grey) * Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank (grey) * Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank (grey) * Mk 1-2 Pod
  15. After a long pause from KSP I came back. I updated the mod site. And after testing the mod reinitialized the download link for 1.3.1. I might update the mod again if there is still someone interested in it.
  16. Brilliant, finally I can return to one of my favorite games of all time. Yay new content!!! *Dusts off his KSP game*
  17. First of thank you for the reply. Well ancient is the point it was the first Landing Leg in KSP. Well until now I managed to get it to work with minor tweaks. You got me. I was looking for a easy solution. But now I have at least some idea what to do. It will take some time but I appreciate the roadmap.
  18. Hello, I was away for a while and I want to revive my Orginal KSP Parts Mod for 1.2. I'm almost through with all parts exept the old Landing Leg. The problem is that I can't get the legs to expand. I get the toggle button but nothing moves. Next problem is I don't have an idea about modules. So if anybody wants to help it would be appreciated. So here for your info the part.cfg and a screen of my problem: Part Folder
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