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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Kopernicus Continued Planetary System Modifier is a mod that provides for the graceful introduction of new celestial bodies to Kerbal Space Program. This is where we test new things and learn how break the universe with gusto. Disclaimer This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's stable Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here. These features do get tested, briefly, and they generally work, but still, bugs can be slip by and be real, so it is important to BACK UP YOUR SAVEGAMES! It should be noted I am a member of the current Kopernicus Maintenance effort and this is an official Kopernicus-Continued subproject. Features: Presently, over the base Kopernicus Stable branch, this branch also features. 1.) Big plans, including support for non zero altitude lakes (not currently in the present builds), performance optimization experiments, and maybe even comets. Who knows in what order? 2.) Probably bugs. Backup your save. FAQ: 1.) When will this leave development? A.) It won't. The whole idea is this is the eternal testing ground. It stays here forever and ever and ever... 2.) What does this mod do? A.) On it's own, nothing. It's generally a dependency or modders tool. 3.) Can I has a CKAN version? A.) Sure, just opt in to our private beta CKAN repo. This will grant you auto updates from the beta tree and get you all this stuff straight from CKAN! Do the following technique to start this: From your main CKAN window, go to "Settings." "CKAN Settings." Click "New" under "Metadata Repositories" Add our CKAN repo in the resulting text box. It's the one called "Kopernicus_BE" No more FAQ for now, ask me something frequently and I may add it to stop you... Downloads Kopernicus "Bleeding Edge" Unified Downloads(the base mod) KittopiaTech "Bleeding Edge" Unified Downloads (this is basically a GUI for Kopernicus pack developers, hit CTRL-P in mapview, most don't need it) Please ensure you grab the right version for your KSP version! 1.8 needs the legacy release, anything newer, 1.9+ Credit. Credit must be given to other current Kopernicus Maintainers @prestja, as well as previous authors @Thomas P. , @Sigma88 and many others for their incredible work in building an elegant solution for bringing new worlds to KSP. Source Code Source code can be found on the GitHub repository. License Kopernicus is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
  2. Oh doh! There was an incorrect system.cfg in our build system. If anyone downloaded -5 this morning, please redownload, the release was botched (so much for a quick fix, I guess). It won't run like that, and it was all our/my fault. Note the actual fix is well-tested, as said. It's just our build system that screwed up somehow. Something to do with linux vs Windows having different line endings, I guess. It's fixed now. Just redownload from same link. @kubi, sorry for triggering a late spring-cleaning.
  3. It's not ideal and was/is intended as a stopgap until I could internally generate one using a new Texture2D line internally with Unity. That said, I'm not as familiar with Kopernicus as I should be at times, so forgive me if I sound idiotic here: There's a vanilla one? If you mean the previous one for gas giants, that's the whole issue. They (squad) are pulling the vanilla normal maps for gas giants out in 1.10 with the new shader, or at least the ways we used to reference them aren't working anymore. Jool templated bodies will no longer function in 1.10 using that normal map, and in 1.9/1.8, any non-jool templated gas giants are already broken. This is a future proof way of handling it, if clunky. I welcome a better PR. But last night I was just wanting a fix for users and that worked, had a headache and decided to ship it in the interim. My branch does. It's more beta but pretty bug-free now... https://github.com/R-T-B/Kopernicus/releases Keep in mind you MUST completely wipe/replace the Kopernicus folder on -5, If this is problematic, I'll probably make a release soon that does not require that. This line tells me that didn't happen: EDIT SCRATCH THAT. See below.
  4. Prerelease 6 for 1.10 just dropped with the gas giant shadows finally fixed! That's pretty much the last major bug! Prove me wrong... hehe. Prerelease 6 has the following fixes: 1.) Finally fixed the nasty gas giant shadow bug. It should fix all bodies completely in all scenarios. Please completely delete your entire kopernicus directory and then replace it with this one when installing, as new files were added (a reference normalmap to aid with shadows when none is available, mainly). Thank you for your early testing! https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/releases Since this has been well-tested privately throughout today, I will be pushing it to the 1.9.1 branch as well and drafting a release there shortly. I feel that getting this fix out in a timely fashion outweight discussing it with Prestja, which I'm sure he'll approve it anyhow. We can always refine it later if need be. So yeah, watch for a new 1.9 release soon as well. EDIT: Here she is: Release 5 for 1.9.1: Same shadows fix as above (it was bugged too just didn't affect any bodies but very specifc types of gas giants). https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/releases
  5. Yep the shadow bug is alive and well, sadly. I spent all day tracking it down. It turns out the issue has been there since Kopernicus 1.8 but only on non-jool templated gas giants, and with each release, it's been getting bigger and affecting more body types. Kinda scary eh? lol. After an exhaustive day of poking through the code, I found the culprit. It's old normal maps Kopernicus depends on that are being removed from KSP to make way for the atlas shader. Without them, it doesn't know where to place the shadows. They've been doing this slowly, hence the progressive growth of the bug. That's a laymans version, but it's basically what's happening. I will have a fix tomorrow, too tired now. I advise anyone bothered by it to apply a simple normal map in the Koperncisu config (this fixes it) or even easier, just install either EVE or scatterer to take over shadows. But for today, no more fixes, because I am braindead from figuring that out. Instead, have a baby fix for a nullref in the science archives. At least it's progress! I also reverted some bad fixes that just made bodies like Eeloo and Gilly get worse rather than fix anything, so that's good, right? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerelease 5 has the following fixes: 1.) Fix a mild nullref in the science archives that was probably harmless, but why not fix? 2.) Make shadows on non-gas giants behave again (hopefully). Known bugs: The gas giant shadow bug is presently still bugging out. You are advised to use Scatterer or EVE to get proper shadows on gas giants, rather than 90 degree rotated ones. This will be fixed soon(tm). Thank you for your early testing! https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/releases It's actually very playable, but it has a bug with gas giant shadows that needs scatterer or EVE to get them pointed the... right direction lol. Other than that, it's really usable. That's pretty much the last bug. Yep it's scaled space only. Weird.
  6. Yep, communicating with people works wonders... lol. Now just to knock out this persistent 90 degree shadow weirdness... it's been a tough one but maybe, just maybe, we can get it today. Around prerelease 2 or 3 we finally got the gas giant textures fixed. You probably had an earlier one.
  7. An old Kopernicus prerelease had that scatters bug. Are you by chance using an old 1.10 prerelease and have not updated yet?
  8. There is a new 1.10 branch release that contains a fix for the incorrect gas giant shadows (basically the sun casts the shadow wrong angle on them). This issue is also present in 1.9, and will be fixed there shortly. You can help speed up the fix if you'd like, by testing it (and thus proving it works) on my 1.10 branch. Prerelease 3 has it. https://github.com/R-T-B/Kopernicus/releases EDIT: And just like that, a wild hotfix appeared! See release 4 to test it, because release 3 didn't work on non-joolian template gas giants.
  9. Scratch that, one more issue to tackle relating to non-joolian templated gas giants. Occurs in both 1.9 and 1.10 branches in various forms, should be fixed before CKAN release. I expect to have a pull request for it soon (day or two at most), standby. https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/issues/16
  10. There is one bug on the gh issues page about Oceans being gone, but my suspicion is they are on the wrong release because we fixed that in release 3. In other good news, 1.10 is basically issue free AFAIK too right now. Working on a way to manipulate Jool Shaders seems like the logical next step there.
  11. Ok, so it's been a bit quiet the last few days. Usually that's a good sign, hehe. Is it the general consensus that the present 1.9.1 release is basically bug-free? It was released with the idea that it was a sort of "release candidate" for CKAN, so if no one has any bugs to report, we may very well upload it to CKAN soon.
  12. Yep, Kerbalism reimplements the solar panels in the same way we do. Thus, only one can control them at once, or bad things happen (tm), is the laymans version.
  13. I had some parts fly apart due to a Principia bug (comining it with FAR right now in atmopshere is a risky endeavor when decoupling) and they were reported in log as destroyed due to gee-forces, so at least that works.
  14. Yep, that was the conclusion I came too today as well. Not our fault, maybe not their fault, probably squad's fault... lol. At first I was eager to blame myself because Kopernicus actually does mess with the solar panels (for super cool multistar tracking!) but that went nowhere, it's all good behaving code. Looks like Squad's got work to do. Anyhow, new release for 1.10 that fixes the crash-on-load with certain packs that have particles, like GPP. Now you can have your pretty particles and load it without edits and shenanigans! I hope I don't regret these words, but it's actually been pretty good to me, stability wise. Try and break it for me... and maybe we're at the point where we can have some fun, too. https://github.com/R-T-B/Kopernicus/releases Click "assets" to grab a prerelease. You probably want version 2 right now.
  15. You are all frog food, you just don't know it yet.
  16. Heck, works in 1.10 for me. My 4K display is very thankful.
  17. Looks to me like you aren't rendering the smoke portion, like, at all. I dunno, mine looks nothing like that and I'm on 1.10. I can only guess some mod incompatibility. Sorry you are having bad luck with this. I agree your screenshot looks pretty bad, but that's also not how it's supposed to function.
  18. Just a dev update on the 1.10 process: Good news bad news basically. Good news is we have a lead on the issue that is causing GPP not to load in 1.10 without modifications. It should be fixed in next release with any luck, which should be coming in the next day or two. (Maybe sooner, fingers crossed?) Bad news is a couple of other mod issues have been reported, mainly with solar panels from external parts packs like Wild Blue Industries stuff. Unsure if this is an issue with us or them, investigating. I assume it's us, because we're more invasive mod-wise, but no idea yet.
  19. Sounds honestly like they may have been bugged at placement. It's possible if you start a new game the issue may go away, though I understand the hesitation to do so.
  20. It means the file is corrupt, looks like the crew roster in particular is borked bad. If you post what you have someone may be able to reconstruct it to a loading state from your memory of the your crew roster, but no promises, and certainly not me (I'm no good with saves). Let me just say now, dataloss and crashes suck... but that's obvious.
  21. That is ALMOST a fair summary. I'd say Kopernicus 1.10 is less buggy than KSP 1.10 in many ways, agreed, but it still does have bugs with certain packs. Most of the bugs are in newly readded features though, like the particle system. GPP for example will not load without tweaks. It loads in 1.9 because there is no particle support at all, lol. The KSC grass was initially bugged too, but I haven't heard of anyone seeing that be discolored for a long long time, so I assume it's fixed. My favorite 1.10 feature is the suit picker, personally. It's the only thing I am really looking forward to. I want to make some cool suits and it's noob-artist friendly for the most part. Plus the retro suits are kinda cool.
  22. GPP on 1.10 gets hung up on some particle section at the moment in Lili.cfg. Remove that and it should load. This may/may not be related to your issues but thought I'd point it out. I'll have a looksie at your logs soon, if you want.
  23. I wasn't aware of any bugs like that from Kopernicus, sure you don't have restock or something else installed causing that? Kopernicus 1.10 is indeed buggy in some ways, but nothing relating to those issues that I know of. Or maybe you were just speaking generally, like for a lot of other mods etc?
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