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Everything posted by prestja

  1. I'm personally of the school of thought that metallic hydrogen technology will precede Project Orion nuclear propulsion in the tech tree.
  2. Thank you! CKAN now reflects 1.9.x compatibility for PlanetShine. Enjoy!
  3. I disagree. The Kerbals are idiots, but they're our idiots.
  4. We haven't yet seen it metastable here on planet Earth, but things work a little differently in the Kerbolar System
  5. I disagree, I'd like Kerbal engines to stay sub-FTL, although I do think FTL travel is within the realm of mods should you want those types of engines. In KSP 1 you can download Interstellar Extended for Alcubierre drives and Event Horizon for wormholes. I see no reason why mods of that ilk wouldn't appear for KSP 2.
  6. I've assembled an Imgur album of the most interesting screencaps I could take of the B-roll footage shown at PAX East 2020. Full album here Nuclear pulse ship exiting Mun SOI A torchship just above an angry red planet A great look at the revamped Kerbin as well as the new "Wyvern" metallic hydrogen engine (center) surrounded by four "NERV" atomic engines A new celestial body and beautiful nuclear pulse rocket A new celestial body with a marbled texture (perhaps a moon?) Painted batteries A revamped Eeloo Some notable information I overheard: The new "Wyvern" metallic hydrogen engine features good thrust and good ISP) All planets are handmade (no procedural planets) Planet modding is possible (stock Kopernicus)? Nate Simpson re-iterated a FY 2021 release window (any day from now until March 2021) Career contracts might see changes
  7. If KSP 2 continues the trend of Jool being analogous to Jupiter, then Jool would be a prime candidate for harvesting Helium-3. Helium-3 is one of the propellants involved in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). In the cinematic reveal trailer you can see an ICF powered ship departing a Jool station and going interstellar. This gives me enormous hope that certain fuels will require missions outside of the scope of Kerbin, and that colony building might be essential for interstellar progression.
  8. And just like that the most Kerbal thing possible vanished. Jebediah sighs a sigh of relief.
  9. Indeed it does, I tested it not long ago.
  10. Neither. That's simply a mesh in the Unity Editor placed roughly at the origin. It's not in-game footage, it's in-engine.
  11. Conveniently, that's the same desk where I got a peek for my scavenger hunt thread.
  12. Oh and speaking of "enhanced modability" the YouTube account for KSP expressed interest in bringing mods to consoles. That would be outstanding.
  13. Right. If you were a player who enjoyed the navball being in the center of the screen, well, I don't see how that would be easily accomplished with this new UI.
  14. Imagine constructing the individual pieces on Vall then piecing them together just above Jool's atmosphere.
  15. You can catch a glimpse of it in the original Developer Story video.
  16. We've seen this UI before, although I'm not sure if we've seen Kerbals on the left-hand side. Personally I'm a big fan of the new navball position - that's where I've moved it in KSP 1, more or less.
  17. I think we're on the same page. It looks very intricate and nice. The bottom image looks to be on Duna given the pinkish soil, but what about the top? Laythe? Some new planet with an atmosphere? Kerbin's shores?
  18. What's the tower next to the hangar? Any guesses?
  19. I'm real jazzed to hear "there will be metallic hydrogen fuel factories in our game". KSP 1's ISRU situation is so simple it's ridiculous. Good to see more comlex resource chains are going to be possible in KSP 2. I can imagine some planets will be more abundant with resources than others.
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